과정 중심의 쓰기 교재 구성에 관한 연구 : 초등 학교를 중심으로
활용도 Analysis
논문 Analysis
연구자 Analysis
(A) Study on the construction of process-based writing programs in the elementary school
vii, 201 p.: 삽도: 26 cm
1999, 한국교원대학교 대학원, 국어교육학과 초등국어교육 전공, 학위논문(박사) -
충청북도 청원군
과정 중심의 쓰기 교재 구성에 관한 연구 : 초등 학교를 중심으로' 의 참고문헌
초등 국어 교과서 개발 방안: 문장 기술의 준거 탐색을 중심으로
중학교 국어교육학 교재 개발 연구
중학교 국어교과의 수업모형, 수업방법,평가 방법 및 평가도구에 관한 연구
제7차 교육과정 개정에 따른 국어과 수준별 교육과정 적용 방안과 교수 학습 자료 개발 연구
제6차 교육과정에 따른 초등학교 국어과 교과용 도서 개발 연구
제 6차 교육과정 개정에 따른 교과용도서의 개발 연구 Ⅰ: 국어(국민학교 1·2학년)
전략 중심의 쓰기 교수 학습 방법 연구
자기주도 학습능력을 기르는 사회구성주의 쓰기 교육 이론
아이디어 생성 훈련이 문단 쓰기 능력에 미치는 효과
수준별 교육과정에 적합한 교과서 내용 구성 방안: 국어편
수준별 교육과정과 쓰기 교육 내용의 구조화 문제
문제해결 중심의 작문 지도 방법 연구
Writing process ver sus traditional writingclassrooms
Writing instruction from a sociocultural per spective
Writing as process : How writing finds its own meaning
Writing after College: Astratified survey of the writing college trained people
Where did composition studies come from
When children want to punctuate: Basic skills belong incontext
What writers know: The language, process, and structure of written discourse
The winds of change: Thomas Kuhn and the revolution in the teaching of writing
The technology of tex t: P rincip les f ors tructuring, des igning, and disp lay ing tex t
The technology of tex t: P rincip les f ors tructuring
The implementation of a formal writing program in afifth grade class in order to improve the writing scores on theNew York State fifth grade writing test
The development of writing abilities
The contemp orary writing curriculum
The cons truction of neg otiated m eaning
The comp os ing p rocess es of twelf th g raders
The cognition of discovery: Defining a rhetorical problem
Text Transformations as an Indicator of Self-Regulation in Writing
T ransf ormational s entence combining
T raining self- checkingroutines for estimating test readiness
T he uses of the unconscious in composing
T he influence of gernerative rhetoric on the syntacticmaturity and writing effectiveness of college freshmen
T he effect s of observational activities on studentwriting
T he Component s of the process among twelfth grade writer s
T eaching summarization skills : A comparison of teachingmethods
Speculations about the nature and development ofmetacognition
Flavell, J. H.
Speculations about the nature and development ofmetacognition
S entence combining : Imp rov ing s tudent writing withoutf ormal g rammar ins truction
Rhetoric and Ideology in the Writing Class
Research in writing: past , present , future
R es earch in writtencomp os ition
Questions and children scognitive processing
Pre- writing: The construction andapplication of models for concept formation in writing, Us
Rohman D.G
Wlecke A
Pre- writing: The construction andapplication of models for concept formation in writing
Plans that guide the composing process
Pausing and planning : The tempo of written discour se
P lans and the s tructure ofbehav ior
Metamemory: A criticalexamination
Metacognition: A conceptual frameworkfor the study of self- regulation in school settings
Major differences between product and processapproaches to composition: T opic choice, revision, and the writingconference
Ames Nancy H
Major differences between product and processapproaches to composition: T opic choice
Learning the functionsignificance of mnemonic actions
Learning strategy research
Lang uag e: Sk ills andus e
Knowing when,where,andhow toremember:Aproblem of metacognition
Knowing when
Instruction of the writing processaffects student s writing skills
Inducing strategic learning from text sby means of informed self- control training
Increasing fifth grade students writing skills through the use of process writing
Improving student splanning processes through cognitive strategy instruction
I am one who writer s new approach to children ' swriting
How to make mulligan stew: Process and product again
Handbook f or p lanning and eff ectivewriting p rog ram: K indergarten through g rade twelv e
From sentence production to text production: Investigatingfundamental processes
Exploring options in composing
Effects of question-generation training onreading comprehension
Effect s of question- generation training onreading comprehension
Effect s of training in strategic questioning on children sproblem- solving performance
Effect of training in strategic questioning on children sproblem- solving performance
E rrors and exp ectations
Developmental and instructional Analyses Of Children's Metacognition and reading Comprehension
Contex ts f or learning to write
Constructive processes : T alking, reading, writing, art andcraft
Clay M
Constructive processes : T alking
Component s analysis of cognitive strategyinstruction
Cognition Convention and Certainty: What We Need to Know about Writing
Children's metacognition about reading: Issuesin definition, measurement, and instruction
Children s metacognition about reading:Issues in definition
Can student s benefit fromprocess writing?
Analysis of writing sample of student s taught byteacher s using whole language and traditional approaches
A model of paired cognitive and metacognitivestrategies
1∼5차 교육과정 시기의 중학교 국어 교과서의 체제 및 내용 분석 연구
과정 중심의 쓰기 교재 구성에 관한 연구 : 초등 학교를 중심으로'
의 유사주제(
) 논문