건강한 학교생태계 설계 요인에 대한 학생, 교사, 관리자의 인식조사
건강한 학교생태계 설계 요인에 대한 학생, 교사, 관리자의 인식조사' 의 주제별 논문영향력
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건강한 학교생태계 설계 요인에 대한 학생, 교사, 관리자의 인식조사' 의 참고문헌
학교폭력 실태 조사에 따른 후속 업무 처리 매뉴얼
청소년 학교폭력 피해의 위험요인
청소년복지연구 14 (1) : 195 ~ 212
Whatever became of design methodology? in N. Cross(ed.), Developments in design methodology
What is health ecosystem?
Towards an ecology of learning: The case of classroom discourse and its effects on writing in high school English and social studies
Toward an experimental ecology of human development
Toward a knowledgebase for school learning
Review of Educational Research 63 (3) : 249 ~ 294
The Organizational Component inEducation
The Future of learning: New ways to learn new skills for future jobs
Redecker, C.
Publications Office of the European Union
The Ecology of school improvement
The Dynamics of integrative design, In General systems research: a science, a methodology, a technology
Systems design of education
School psychology research : combining ecological theory and prevention science
Burns, M.
School Psychology Review 40 (1) : 132 ~ 139
Planned change and organizational health, In anization and human behavior: Focus on schools
Organizational health: A requisite forinnovation?
Organizational Behavior in Schools
Prentice-Hall, Inc
Measuring organizational effectiveness in institutions of education
Cameron, K. S.
Administrative Science Quarterly 23 (4) : 604 ~ 632
Macro-structural influences on child development and the need for childhood social indicators
Brim, O. G
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 45 : 516 ~ 524
Interacting systems in human development: research paradigms, present and future, In Persons in context: Developmental processes
How does a community of learners maintain itself? Ecology of an Innovative School
Matusoy, E.
Anthropology & Education 30 (2) : 161 ~ 186
Enhancing school-based prevention andyouth development through coordinated social emotional, and academiclearning
American Psychologist 58 (6/7) : 466 ~ 474
Ecosystem health and ecological engineering
Ecological approaches to organizational consultation and systems change in educational settings
Meyers, A. B.
Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation 22 : 106 ~ 124
Considerations of content and the circumstances of secondary school teaching
Conflict and change strategies: The agency of choice, In Schools, conflict and change
British ecology during the past quarter century: The plant community and the ecosystem
Alternative strategies for school reform
A new area of school reform: Going where the research takes us
건강한 학교생태계 설계 요인에 대한 학생, 교사, 관리자의 인식조사'
의 유사주제(
) 논문