면대면 수업과의 관련, 교수자의 관여수준에 따른 온라인 협력학습의 과정과 결과
면대면 수업과의 관련, 교수자의 관여수준에 따른 온라인 협력학습의 과정과 결과' 의 참고문헌
웹 기반 가상토론 환경이 학습자의 관점변화에 미치는 영향: 사회과 상조적 의사결정모형 활용
교육공학연구 16 (1) : 3 ~ 27
visualization of agreement anddiscussion processes during computer-supported collaborativelearning
What makes peer interaction effective? Modeling effective communication in an inteligent CSCL
Soller, A
American Association for Artificial Intelligence
What is the collaborative classroom?
Time to “connect”: synchronous and asynchronous case-based dialogue among preservice teachers. In Electronic Collaborations
Bonk, C. J.
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers
The nature and purpose of online discourse: a briefsynthesis of current research as related to the WEB project
International Journal of Educational Telecommunication 6 (1) : 19 ~ 52
Technology as small group face-to-face collaborative scaffolding. Computers & Education
Some causes of text-boundedness and schema interference in ESL reading. In Interactive Approaches to Second Langusge Reading
Sharing cognition to construct scientific knowledge in schoolcontext: the role of oral and written discourse
Instructional Science 26 : 359 ~ 389
Online collaboration: Making it work
Knowledge building in asynchronous discussion groups: Going beyondquantitative analysis
Computers & Education 46 : 49 ~ 70
Factors influencing the success of computer-mediatedcommunication (CMC) environments in university teaching: A review and case study
Computers & Education 34 : 119 ~ 140
Evaluating the qualityof learning in computer supported co-operative learning
Journal of the American Society for Information Science 48 (6) : 484 ~ 495
Evaluating the quality of learning: the SOLO taxonomy, Educational psychology
Designing forinteraction: Six steps to designing computer-supported group-basedlearning
Criticalinquiry ina text-based environment:Computer conferencing in highereducation
The Internet and Higher Education 2 (2) : 87 ~ 105
Computer conferencing and content analysis. In : Collaborative learning through computer conferencing: The Najaden papers
Computer conferencing and assessment: New ways of writingin higher education
Studies in Higher Education 26 (2) : 163 ~ 188
Collaborative learning and the internet
Assessing process in CSCL: an ontological approach
Assessing online collaborative learning: Process and product
Computers & Education 40 : 377 ~ 391
면대면 수업과의 관련, 교수자의 관여수준에 따른 온라인 협력학습의 과정과 결과'
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