항우식성 복합레진의 가능성

박정원 2010년
' 항우식성 복합레진의 가능성' 의 주제별 논문영향력
논문영향력 선정 방법
논문영향력 요약
  • 치과의학, 이비인후과학, 안과학
동일주제 총논문수 논문피인용 총횟수 주제별 논문영향력의 평균
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' 항우식성 복합레진의 가능성' 의 참고문헌

  • The anticariogenic effect of fluoride in primer, bonding agent, and composite resins in the cavosurface enamel area
    최정임 The anticariogenic effect of fluoride in primer [1997]
  • Strength and fluoride release characteristics of a calcium fluoridebased dental nanocomposite
    주삼환 [2008]
  • Silver as a disinfectant
    정혜경 [2007]
  • Quantative assessment of the efficacy of amorphous calcium phosphate/methacrylate composites in remineralizing caries-like lesions artificially produced in bovine enamel
    이창형 [1996]
  • Nanocomposites with Ca-PO4 release: effects of reinforcement, dicalcium phosphate particle size and silinization
    연제열 Nanocomposites with Ca-PO4 release: effects of reinforcement [2007]
  • Nano DCPA-whisker composites with high strength and Ca and PO4 release
  • Mechanical properties of amorphous calcium phosphate composite (abstract)
  • Mechanical properties and biochemical activity of remineralizing resinbased Ca-PO4 cements
    송혜진 [2003]
  • Improved properties of amorphous calcium phosphate filers in remineralizing resin composites
    박보규 [1996]
  • Effect of calcium phosphate nanoparticles on Ca-PO4 composite
    김덕영 [2007]
  • Clinical challenges and the relevance of materials testing for posterior composite restorations
    Vygotsky [2005]