알츠하이머 치매 환자의 혈청 항산화제 농도 감소

' 알츠하이머 치매 환자의 혈청 항산화제 농도 감소' 의 주제별 논문영향력
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' 알츠하이머 치매 환자의 혈청 항산화제 농도 감소' 의 참고문헌

  • 알츠하이머 치매 혈청 항산화제
    Andrews [2006]
  • Weight loss in people with Alzheimers disease:a prospective population based analysis
  • Weight los precedes dementia in comunity-dweling older adults
  • Use of smokeless tobacco and cigarettes - effects on plasma levels of antioxidant vita-mins
  • Transferrin C2 and Alzheimers disease:another piece of the puzzle found
  • The rela-tive contribution of vitamin E,urate,ascorbate and proteins to the total peroxyl radical-trapping antioxidant activity of human blod plasma
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  • Smoking, drinking and thinking. The Zutphen Elderly Study
    조미경 Smoking [1996]
  • Relation of serum homocystein level to oxidative stres in patients with Alzheimers dementia
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  • Reduced plasma antioxidants in first-episode patients with schizophrenia
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  • Potential role of conjugated bilirubin and cop-per in the metabolism of lipid peroxidase in bile
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  • Peripheral antioxidant enzyme activities and selenium in elderly subjects and in dementia of Alzheimers type-place of the extracellular glutathione peroxidase
    이분려 [1996]
  • Pathological verification of ischemic score in diferentiation of dementias
    이돈희 [1980]
  • Oxidative stres,glutamete,and neurodege-nerative disorders
    이국화 하은혜 Oxidative stres [1993]
  • Oxidative stres hypothesis in Alzheimers disease
  • Increased lipoprotein oxidation in Alzheimers disease
    박승희 [2000]
  • Detection and measurement of total bilirubin in serum,with use of surfactants as solubilizing agents
    교육인적자원부 Detection and measurement of total bilirubin in serum [1974]
  • Clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: report of the NINCDADRDA Work Group under the auspices of Department of Health and Human Service Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease
    Wagner [1984]
  • Carotenaemia in Alzheimers di-sease
    Sternberg [1988]
  • Brain trace elements in Alzheimer disease
    Sorrell [1993]
  • Automated determination of uric acid,with use of a uricase-peroxidase system
    Rostropovich Automated determination of uric acid [1971]
  • Asociation of antioxidants with memory in a multiethnic elderly sample using the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Reichenbach [1999]
  • Antioxidants prevent amyloid peptide-induced apoptosis and alteration of calcium homeostasis in cultured cortical neurons
    Power F [2000]
  • Antioxidant potential of anaerobic human plasma:role of serum albumin and thiols as scavengers of carbon radicals
    Potts [1994]
  • Antioxidant defences and oxidative stres markers in erythrocytes and plasma from normally nourished elderly Alzheimers patients
    Pottker [2001]
  • Altered plasma antioxidant status in subjects with Alzheimers disease and vas-cular dementia
    Nie [1998]
  • Albumin standards and the mea-surement of serum albumin with bromcresol green
  • Aging prospects for future increases in the functional life span
  • Abnormal age-related changes of plasma antioxidant proteins in schizophrenia
    McLagan [2000]
  • A no-vel method for measuring antioxidant capacity and its application to monitoring the antioxidant status in premature neonate
    Lenz [1993]
  • A new clinical scale for the staging of dementia
    Lave [1982]
  • A controlled trial of selegiline or both as treatment for Alzheimers disease. The Alzheimers Disease Co-operative Study
    Koegel [1997]