프레네 자유 글쓰기의 교육적 의미' 의 참고문헌
맞춤법 틀리면 어때! 한 줄만 쓰면 또 어떻고!
The French Educator C?lestin Freinet(1896-1966) : An Inquiry into How his ideas shaped education
Progressivism, in The Blackwell guide to philosophy of education
Past, Present, and Future Perspectives on Creativity in France and French-Speaking Switzerland, In International Handbook of Creativity
Les Techniques Freinet de l'?cole moderne
Le texte libre. BENP No. 25
Le texte libre. BEM No. 3
Le journal scolaire(extraits), In C?lestin Freinet
Cinq ?tudes sur C?lestin Freinet
COOPERATIVE LEARNING AND SOCIAL CHANGE: Selected Writings of C?lestin Freinet
Alternative Schools as Critique of Traditional Schooling, in Don't Tell Us It Can't Be Done!: alternative classroom in canada and abroad
Chamberlin, C.
Our Schools/Our Selves educational foundation : 161 ~ 180
프레네 자유 글쓰기의 교육적 의미'
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