Triple antibiotics와 관련한 치아 변색의 예방

' Triple antibiotics와 관련한 치아 변색의 예방' 의 주제별 논문영향력
논문영향력 선정 방법
논문영향력 요약
  • 치과의학, 이비인후과학, 안과학
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' Triple antibiotics와 관련한 치아 변색의 예방' 의 참고문헌

  • Tooth Discoloration of immature permanent incisor associated with triple antibiotic therapy: A case report
    Kim,J.H. Journal of Endodontics 36 (6) : 1086 ~ 1091 [2010]
  • Sterilization of infected root-canal dentine by topical application of a mixture of ciprofloxacin, metronidazole and minocycline in situ
    Sato,I. [1996]
  • Reversed-phase ion-pair chromatographic analysis of tetracycline antibiotics. Application to discolored teeth
    Tanase,S. [1998]
  • Revascularization of immature permanent teeth with apical periodontitis: new treatment protocol?
    Banchs,F. [2004]
  • Pulp revascularization of necrotic bilateral bicuspids using a modified novel technique to eliminate potential coronal discolouration: a case report
    Reynolds,K. [2009]
  • Minocycline-induced staining of the adult permanent dentition: a review of the literature and report of a case
    Lamey,P.J. [1999]
  • Minocycline-associated tooth staining
    Dodd,M.A. [1998]
  • Disinfection of immature teeth with a triple antibiotic paste
  • Dental and oral discolorations associated with minocycline and other tetracycline analogs
    Cheek,C.C. [1999]
  • Cohens pathways of the pulp, 10th ed
    Williams [2011]
  • Challenges in regenerative endodontics: a case series
  • Biologically based treatment of immature permanent teeth with pulpal necrosis; a case series
    Scriven [2008]
  • Ando-Kurihara N, Kota K, Iwaku M, Hoshino E. Sterilization of infected root-canal dentine by topical application of a mixture of ciprofloxacin, metronidazole and minocycline in situ
    Persky [1996]
  • A paradigm shift in endodontic management of immature teeth: Conservation of stem cells for regeneration
    Lerner [2008]