도심고밀개발 전략의 교통영향분석' 의 주제별 논문영향력
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489 |
4 |
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489 |
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도심고밀개발 전략의 교통영향분석' 의 참고문헌
청계천복원에 따른 도시구조 및 형태변화 모니터링 연구
청계천 복원에 따른 도심부 발전계획 서울시정개발연구원 발행
서울시 장래교통수요 예측 및 정책방향
남산 1,3호터널 혼잡통행료 모니터링 결과
교통수요관리방안의 단기효과분석모형의 구축
What makes a good sustainable development plan? An analysis of factors that influence principles of sustainable development 36
1381 ~ 1396
Urban compaction: Feasible and acceptable? 14 (4)
209 ~ 217
Urban Intensification policies in England: Problems and contradictions 16 (3)
167 ~ 178
Urban Density and energy consumption: a new look at old statistics 38
143 ~ 162
Understanding Smart Growth Savings
The role of lifestyle and attitudinal characteristics in residential neighborhood choice
735 ~ 758
The role of land use in travel mode Choice: Evidence from Boston and Hong Kong 70 (3)
344 ~ 360
The compact city: Just, or just compact 37 (11)
1696 ~ 2001
The Transport Dimension
171 ~ 180
The Next American Metropolis
The New Urbanism: The dangers so far 140
4 ~ 6
The New Urbanism and the communitarian Trap
86 ~ 69
The New Urbanism and the Fallacy of Singularity 3
33 ~ 42
The Hidden Histories and Geographies of Neotraditional Town Planning: The Case of Seaside, Florida 15
349 ~ 372
The Economics of Urban Form
The Costs of Sprawl-Revisited 39
The Costs of Sprawl Reconsidered: What the Data Really Show, Backgrounder 1770
Suburbs in disguise
70 ~
Reduction of CO2 emissions of transport by reorganization of urban activities
103 ~ 124
Rebuilding Communities: HOPE VI and New Urbanism 12 (3)
72 ~ 75
Placemaking: Town Centers, Main Streets, and Urban Villages
Orenco Station, Portland, Oregon: A Successful Trasit Oriented Development Experiment? 56 (3)
9 ~ 18
Online TDM Encyclopedia
New Urbanism in the Inner City 70 (4)
426 ~ 442
New Urbanism and the city: Potential Applications and Implications for Distressed Inner-city Neighborhoods 11
761 ~ 801
Mixed land-use and commuting: evidence from the american housing survey 30 (5)
361 ~ 377
Measuring Sprawl and Its Impacts
Higher density housing and transport in Australian cities
55 ~ 80
Evaluating Criticism of Smart Growth
Edited by Blowers Planning for a Sustainable Environment
Does neighborhood design influence travel? a behavioral analysis of travel diary and GIS data 3 (4)
225 ~ 238
Are compact city a desirable planning goal? 63 (1)
95 ~ 106
Achieving the compact city through intensification: An acceptable option
83 ~ 96
도심고밀개발 전략의 교통영향분석'
의 유사주제(
) 논문