유아의 일상적 내러티브 조직의 성공과 방해 요인에 관한 연구
유아의 일상적 내러티브 조직의 성공과 방해 요인에 관한 연구' 의 주제별 논문영향력
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유아의 일상적 내러티브 조직의 성공과 방해 요인에 관한 연구' 의 참고문헌
내러티브 탐구를 통한 유아 세계 이해 유치원에서 초등학교 1학년으로의 전이 경험 연구를 중심으로
The influence of discourse content and context on preschooler' use of language
The development of the story concept University of Chicago
Texts within texts A developmental study of children's play narratives
Same beginnings, different stories: A comparison of American and Chinese children's narratives 71 (5)
1329 ~ 1346
Oral and literate traditions among black Americans living in poverty 44
Negotiating a way in : Conducting narrative inquiry with children 1
Narrative performance across contexts and over time:Preschool Chinese children and mothers
Narrative development: Six approaches
Measures of language development in fictional narratives of Latino children 34 (4)
Maternal scaffolding and children's narrative retelling of a movie story 14 (3)
Linguistic and pictorial narratives in preschool children: An exploration into the development of symbolic representation university of california
Japanese preschool children's narrative development 16 (3)
Genre skill and narrative development in the elementary school years 2 (1)
From knowing to telling The development of children's scripts
Form, function and context in narrative development 29
Encouraging narratives in preschoolers: An intervention study 26
49 ~ 67
Effects of the books aloud program on preschool children's narrative competence
Children's storytelling in adult-child interaction Three dimensions in narrative development
Children and narrative: Toward an interpretive and sociocultural approach. In M. Bamberg (Eds.)
At morning it's lunchtime:A scriptal view of children's dialogues 2
Assesment of complex sentence production in a narrative context 30 (2)
A comparison of personal event and fictional stories
유아의 일상적 내러티브 조직의 성공과 방해 요인에 관한 연구'
의 유사주제(
) 논문