e-Learning을 활용한 박물관교육 활성화 방안
e-Learning을 활용한 박물관교육 활성화 방안' 의 참고문헌
폴 게티 미술관 http://www.getty.edu/museum
캐나다 버츄얼 박물관 http://www.virtualmuseum.ca
캐나다 국립 도서관과 기록물 보관소 http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca
영국 정부 기록과 정보 관리소 http://www.nationalarchives.gov
스미소니언 미국 역사박물관 http://www.americanhistory.si.edu
박물관을 위한 새로운 시각,박물관과 박물관 교육
박물관 전시의 개념 변화와 전시물 기반 학습의 적용
미국 박물관 협회 http://www.aam_us.org
미국 국립 현대미술관 http://www.moma.org
대영박물관 http://www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk
e-learning의 보완적 체제로서 온라인 박물관
When the object is digital: Properties of digital surrogate objects and implications for learning
Visitor meaning making in museum for a new age
The role of museumsin the online teaching, learning, and research
The Museum in transit: A Philosophical perspective
The Extended Museum Visit: Documenting and Exhibiting Post-Visit Experience
Survey of Web based educational resources in selected U.S. art Museums
Suceessful implementation of e-learning pedagogical considerations
Research on 'Quality in Online Experiences for Museum Users, The Canadian Heritage Information Network
Museum and e-Learning : What's the map?
Managing E-Learning Strategy
Libraries, Museums, and Nations of Learners : New Opportunities for the knowledge society
Learning with Digital Technologies in Museums. Science Centres and Gallaries
Learner-Centered Theory and practice in distance education: Cases from higher Education
How Do You Like to Learn? Comparing User Preferences and visit Lenght of Educational Web Sites
Goal based Scenarios for effective web Education
Divices and a wireless web-based network to extend the museum experience
e-Learning을 활용한 박물관교육 활성화 방안'
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