the rank of variables which teachers form expectancies on students' performance and change them was students's attitude in class
teachers have high level of expectations on students' achievement Teachers have a higher expectation in female than male and a higher expectation in students from high social class than low social class
teacher's initial expectation on students' achievement has been changed approximately 1
3 students of them
teacher expectation had an effect on students' achievement and students' performance that were positively changed teacher expectation were higher than negatively changed students
and judgments of physically attractive students Review of Educational Research 62
413 ~ 426[1992]
and its Change on Students' Achievement
Unfinished pygmalion 14
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The teacher expectation effect:An attempt at Clarification
The sample consisted of 230 first grade elementary students and their 7 homeroom teachers in Taegu city The questionnaire used in this study consisted of various questions on the level and the source of teacher expectation
The purpose of this study was to analyze effects of teacher expectation ant its change on students' achievement The specific research questions of this study were; 1 which variables have teachers make an expectancy on students' performance and change them? 2 are there any effects of teacher expectation and its change on students' achievement?
The main findings of this study were as follows
The effects of glasses and weight on perceptions of attractiveness and intelligence
Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 9 753 ~ 760[1994]
The effect of teachers' expectations on Mexican - American students
The bases of teacher expectancies
Journal of Educational Psychology 75 327 ~ 346[1983]
The Effects of Teacher Expectation
Teachers' perceptions regarding the effects of marital disruption on children's reading performance and attitudes
Teacher expectations for four-year-old children:A qualitative analysis
Teacher expectations
Student social class and teacher expectation:the self-fulfilling prophecy in ghetto education
Research on the self-fulfilling prophecy and teacher expectations (5)
631 ~ 661[1983]
Pygmalion in the Classroom
One teacher's perspective on the difference of academic expectations for Hispanic students
On understanding the processes of schooling the contributions of the labelling theory Power and ideology in education
New directions for the sociology of education classroom k k (wledge wledge and control)
Magnitude of teacher expectancy effects on pupil IQ as a function of the credibility of expectancy induction:A synthesis of findings from 18 experiments (1)
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Low expectations by teachers within an academic context