한번의 심각한 외상 경험을 한 학령 전기 아동의 발달정신병리

' 한번의 심각한 외상 경험을 한 학령 전기 아동의 발달정신병리' 의 주제별 논문영향력
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' 한번의 심각한 외상 경험을 한 학령 전기 아동의 발달정신병리' 의 참고문헌

  • 외상후 스트레스 장애
    김환 254 ~ [2000]
  • a brief review of contemporarythinking
  • What happens to early memories of trauma A study of twentychildren under age five at the time of documented traumatic evens
    96 ~ 104
  • Two approachesto diagnosing posttraumatic stress disorder in infancy and early childhood
  • Toward establishingprocedural,criterion an discriminant validity for PTSD in earlychildhood
    Toward establishingprocedural [2001]
  • The psychiatriceffects of massive trauma on Cambodian children,I:the children
    The psychiatriceffects of massive trauma on Cambodian children [1986]
  • The effects of sexual abuse on children:amultidimensional view
  • Task force on research diagnostic criteria: Infancy and preschool. Researchdiagnostic criteria for infants and preschool children: The processand empirical support
  • Screening child survivors for posttraumatic stressdisorder experience from the
  • Refugee Children in Sweden:PosttraumaticStress Disorder in Iranian Preschool Children Exposed toOrganized Violence
  • Reconstruction of preverbal experiences
  • Practice Parametersfor the Assessment and Treatment of Children an AdolescentsWith Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder in peers of adolescents suicidevictims
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Semi-structuredInterview and Observational Record for Infants and Young Children
  • New Findings onAlternative Criteria for PTSD in Preschool Children
  • Life threat and posttraumatic stress in school-age children
  • Kiddie-Schedulefor Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Present and lifetime Version1.0
  • Dreams and dreaming in relation to truma in childhood
  • Conflict between current knowledgeabout posttraumatic stress disorder and its original conceptual basis
  • Chowchilla revisited:the effect of psychic trauma four yearsafter a school bus kidnapping
  • Children who witness parental murder:posttraumaticaspects
  • Children under severe stress:ciritique and commentary
  • Children traumatized by physical abuse Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children
  • Children of disaster:clinical observations at Buffalo Creek
  • Children of Chowchilla:study of psychic trauma
  • Children and disaster:age,gender and parental effects on posttraumaticstress disorder symptoms
    Children and disaster:age [1991]
  • A diagnostic outcome study ofchildren and adolescents with severe burns