한국 청소년의 공격성 관련변인 및 표출 경로

' 한국 청소년의 공격성 관련변인 및 표출 경로' 의 주제별 논문영향력
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' 한국 청소년의 공격성 관련변인 및 표출 경로' 의 참고문헌

  • 청소년 정신건강 실태조사 설문서
  • Violence in schools
  • Truancy and perceived school performance:analcohol and drug study of UK teenagers
  • Thelong-term impact of physical,emotional,and sexual abuse of children:a community study
    Thelong-term impact of physical [1996]
  • The overt aggression scale:overview andguiding principles
  • Relationship between solvent inhalation andantisocial behavior:Special emphasis on two types of violence seenin solvent abusers
  • Primary socializationtheory.The role played by personal traits in the etiology of drug useand deviance II
  • Predicting early adolescentdisorder from childhood aggression and peer rejection
  • Parentingpractices as predictors of substance use,delinquency,and aggressionamong urban minority youth:moderating effects of family structureand gender
    Parentingpractices as predictors of substance use [2000]
  • Parenting styles,adolescent substance use,andacademic achievement
    Parenting styles [1997]
  • Girl's crime and woman's place: Toward a feminist model of female delinquency
  • Drug use and violent crime among adolescents
  • Detecting alcoholism:The CAGE questionnaire
  • Depressive comorbidity in children and adolescents:empirical,theoretical,and methodological issues
    Depressive comorbidity in children and adolescents:empirical [1993]
  • Delinquency during thetransition to early childhood:family and parenting predictors fromearly adolescence
  • Correlates ofaggressive and violent behaviors among public high school adolescents
  • Copingscale for children and youth:scale development and validation
  • Coping styles and psychosomaticproblems:Are they related?
  • Center for Disease Control University of California at Los Angeles The epidemiology of homicide in the city of Los Angeles Department of Health and Human Services
  • Aggression,substanceuse and suicidal behaviors in high school students
    Aggression [1993]
  • Aggression and antisocial behavior. In: Handbookof child psychology: social, emotional and personality development
    Aggression and antisocial behavior. In: Handbookof child psychology: social [1997]
  • African-American and Puerto Rican drug use:a longitudinal study
  • A twenty-two item screening score of psychiatric symptomsindicating impairment
  • A self-rating depression scale
    Durham Zung [1965]
  • A rating instrument for anxiety disorders