The shaping of cancer genomes with the regional impact of mutation processes


' The shaping of cancer genomes with the regional impact of mutation processes' 의 참고문헌

  • Universal patterns of selection in cancer and somatic tissues
  • Transcription-coupled DNA repair: two decades of progress and surprises
  • Transcription restores DNA repair to heterochromatin, determining regional mutation rates in cancer genomes
  • The topography of mutational processes in breast cancer genomes
  • The repertoire of mutational signatures in human cancer
  • The mutational signature profile of known and suspected human carcinogens in mice
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  • The COSMIC Cancer Gene Census : describing genetic dysfunction across all human cancers
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  • Somatic and germline mutation periodicity follow the orientation of the DNA minor groove around nucleosomes
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  • Signatures of mutational processes in human cancer
  • Reduced mutation rate in exons due to differential mismatch repair
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  • Reduced local mutation density in regulatory DNA of cancer genomes is linked to DNA repair
    Polak, P. [2014]
  • Reconstructing evolutionary trajectories of mutation signature activities in cancer using TrackSig
  • Principal causes of hot spots for cytosine to thymine mutations at sites of cytosine methylation in growing cells. A model, its experimental support and implications
  • Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes
  • Nucleotide excision repair is impaired by binding of transcription factors to DNA
  • Nucleosome structure and positioning modulate nucleotide excision repair in the non-transcribed strand of an active gene
  • Mutational strand asymmetries in cancer genomes reveal mechanisms of DNA damage and repair
  • Mutational signatures of DNA mismatch repair deficiency in C. elegans and human cancers
    Meier, B. [2018]
  • Mutational signature distribution varies with DNA replication timing and strand asymmetry
    Tomkova, M. [2018]
  • Mutational signature SBS8predominantly arises due to late replication errors in cancer
  • Mutational processes molding the genomes of 21 breast cancers
  • Mutational heterogeneity in cancer and the search for new cancer-associated genes
    Lawrence MS [2013]
  • Mechanisms underlying mutational signatures in human cancers
  • Maftools : efficient and comprehensive analysis of somatic variants in cancer
  • Local determinants of the mutational landscape of the human genome
  • Increasing nucleosome occupancy is correlated with an increasing mutation rate so long as DNA repair machinery is intact
  • Identifying recurrent mutations in cancer reveals widespread lineage diversity and mutational specificity
  • Human mutation rate associated with DNA replication timing
  • High-resolution profiling of histone methylations in the human genome
    Barski, A. [2007]
  • Differential relationship of DNA replication timing to different forms of human mutation and variation
    Koren, A. [2012]
  • Differential DNA mismatch repair underlies mutation rate variation across the human genome
    Supek, F. [2015]
  • Deciphering signatures of mutational processes operative in human cancer
  • DNA lesions induced by UV A1 and B radiation in human cells: comparative analyses in the overall genome and in the p53 tumor suppressor gene
  • DNA adduct burden and tobacco carcinogenesis
  • Combinatorial patterns of histone acetylations and methylations in the human genome
    Wang, Z. [2008]
  • Clustered mutation signatures reveal that error-prone DNA repair targets mutations to active genes
    Supek, F. [2017]
  • Chromatin organization is a major influence on regional mutation rates in human cancer cells
  • ChromHMM : automating chromatin-state discovery and characterization
    Ernst, J. [2012]
  • C. elegans whole-genome sequencing reveals mutational signatures related to carcinogens and DNA repair deficiency
    Meier, B. [2014]
  • ANNOVAR : functional annotation of genetic variants from high-throughput sequencing data
    Wang K [2010]
  • A small-cell lung cancer genome with complex signatures of tobacco exposure
  • A genome-wide view of the spectrum of spontaneous mutations in yeast
    Lynch, M. [2008]