20세 이상 한국인에서 상대 악력과 제2형 당뇨병과의 관련성

최은영 2019년
' 20세 이상 한국인에서 상대 악력과 제2형 당뇨병과의 관련성' 의 주제별 논문영향력
논문영향력 선정 방법
논문영향력 요약
  • Hand strength
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • knhanes
  • type 2
  • 국민건강영양조사
  • 악력
  • 제2형 당뇨병
동일주제 총논문수 논문피인용 총횟수 주제별 논문영향력의 평균
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' 20세 이상 한국인에서 상대 악력과 제2형 당뇨병과의 관련성' 의 참고문헌

  • Trends in diabetes prevalence among Korean adults based on Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys III-VI
    Lee JW [2018]
  • The association of handgrip strength and type 2 diabetes mellitus in six ethnic groups: an analysis of the HELIUS study
  • The association between muscle weakness and incident diabetes in older Mexican Americans
    McGrath R [2017]
  • The Asian-Pacific perspective: Redefining obesity and its treatment
  • Strength training increases insulin-mediated glucose uptake, GLUT4 content, and insulin signaling in skeletal muscle in patients with type 2 diabetes
    Holten MK [2004]
  • Skeletal muscle glucose uptake during exercise: a focus on reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide signaling
    Merry TL [2009]
  • Sarcopenia: a potential cause and consequence of type 2 diabetes in Australia's ageing population?
    Scott D [2016]
  • Relative strength as a determinant of mobility in elders 67-84 years of age. A nuage study: nutrition as a determinant of successful aging
    Choquette S [2010]
  • Relative handgrip strength is a simple indicator of cardiometabolic risk among middle-aged and older people: a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan
    Lee WJ [2016]
  • Race/ethnic and nativity disparities in later life physical performance: the role of health and socioeconomic status over the life course
    Haas SA [2012]
  • Quality of life and diabetes
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  • Progressive resistance exercise improves glycaemic control in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review
    Irvine C [2009]
  • Prognostic value of grip strength: findings from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study
    Leong DP [2015]
  • Patients with type 2 diabetes show a greater decline in muscle mass, muscle strength, and functional capacity with aging
    Leenders M [2013]
  • Muscle weakness thresholds for prediction of diabetes in adults
    Peterson MD [2016]
  • Muscle grip strength predicts incident type 2 diabetes: population-based cohort study
    Li JJ [2016]
  • Low normalized grip strength is a biomarker for cardiometabolic disease and physical disabilities among U.S. and Chinese adults
    Peterson MD [2017]
  • Korea Health Statistics 2017: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES VII-2)
  • Is grip strength a useful single marker of frailty?
    Syddall H [2003]
  • High oxidative capacity due to chronic exercise training attenuates lipid-induced insulin resistance
    Phielix E [2012]
  • Handgrip strength is an independent predictor of distal radius bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
    Di Monaco M [2000]
  • Grip strength, body composition, and mortality
    Gale CR [2007]
  • Greater hand-grip strength predicts a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes over 10 years in leaner Japanese Americans
    Wander PL [2011]
  • Evidence of a link between grip strength and type 2 diabetes prevalence and severity among a national sample of U.S. adults
    Loprinzi PD [2016]
  • Chronic low-grade inflammation and age-related sarcopenia
    Beyer I [2012]
  • C-reactive protein, interleukin 6, and risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus
    Pradhan AD [2001]
  • Associations of relative handgrip strength and cardiovascular disease biomarkers in U.S. adults, 2011-2012
    Lawman HG [2016]
  • Associations between diabetes and both cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality are modified by grip strength: evidence from uk biobank, a prospective population-based cohort study
  • Association between muscle strength and type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults in Korea: data from the Korea national health and nutrition examination survey (KNHANES) VI
    Lee MR [2018]
  • Association between grip strength and diabetes prevalence in black, South-Asian, and white European ethnic groups: a cross-sectional analysis of 418 656 participants in the UK Biobank study
    Ntuk UE [2017]