고추와 배추 재배지에서 요소분해효소 억제제 함유 원예용 비료 시용에따른 아산화질소 배출 저감 효과


' 고추와 배추 재배지에서 요소분해효소 억제제 함유 원예용 비료 시용에따른 아산화질소 배출 저감 효과' 의 참고문헌

  • The evaluation of urease inhibitors to improve the efficiency of urea as a N-source for flooded rice
    Cai, G. X. [1989]
  • The Activity and Utilization of Urease Inhibitors
    Joo, Y. K. [1992]
  • Stimulated N2O flux from intact grassland monoliths after two growing seasons under elevated atmospheric CO2
  • Role of nitrifier denitrification in the production of nitrous oxide
    Wrage, N. [2001]
  • Nitrous oxide emissions from intensive agricultural systems: variations between crops and seasons, key driving variables, and mean emission factors
  • Nitrogen in Crop Production
  • Microbiological basis of NO and N2O production and consumption in soil
  • Fluxes of N2O, CH4, and CO2 in a meadow ecosystem exposed to elevated ozone and carbon dioxide for three years
    Kanerva, T. [2007]
  • Evaluation of N-butyl phosphorothioic triamide for retardation of urea hydrolysis in soil
  • Effects of phosphoroamides on ammonia volatilization and nitrate accumulation in soils treated with urea
    Chai, H. S. [1986]
  • Effects of climate change drivers on nitrous oxide fluxes in an upland temperate grassland
  • Agronomic Efficiency of NBPT as a Urease Inhibitor : A review
  • Agriculture's share in the emission of trace gases affecting the climate and some causeoriented proposals for sufficiently reducing this share