활용도 Analysis
논문 Analysis
연구자 Analysis
도덕 정서로서 고양에 관한 연구 동향' 의 참고문헌
Witnessing excellence in action: The ‘other-praising’ emotions of elevation, gratitude, and admiration
Who engages with moral beauty
Viral videos and virtue : Moral elevation inductions shift affect and interpersonal goals in daily life
The role of consequences of moral action in maximizing moral elevation
The relationship between elevation, connectedness, and compassionate love in meaningful films
The relation between elevation and self-reported prosocial behavior: Incremental validity over the five-factor model of personality
The rejection of moral rebels: Resenting those who do the right thing
The positive emotion of elevation
The portable Thomas Jefferson
The meaning of role modelling in moral and character education
The happiness hypothesis: Finding modern truth in ancient wisdom
The broaden and build theory of positive emotions
The Influence of media portrayals of care, loyalty, and purity on elevation and connectedness with humanity
Self-transcendent positive emotions increase spirituality through basic world assumptions
Pursuing pleasure or virtue : The differential and overlapping well-being benefits of hedonic and eudaimonic motives
Positive emotion infusions of elevation and gratitude: Increasing help-seeking intentions among people with heightened levels of depressive symptomatology
Nice to know you: Positive emotions, self –other overlap, and complex understanding in the formation of a new relationship
Moral elevation reduces prejudice against gay men
Moral elevation and moral beauty: A review of the empirical literature
Moral elevation and compassionate goals predict posttraumatic growth in the context of a college shooting
Moral Identity and The Experience of Moral Elevation in Response to Acts of Uncommon Goodness
Media-induced elevation as a means of enhancing feelings of intergroup connectedness
Is moral elevation an approach-oriented emotion
Intuitive ethics: How innately prepared intuitions generate culturally variable virtues
How companies' good deeds encourage consumer to adopt pro-social behavior
Exemplarist virtue theory
Even the downhearted may be uplifted: Moral elevation in the daily life of clinically depressed and anxious adults
Engagement with beauty: Appreciating natural, artistic, and moral beauty
Elevation(sometimes)increases altruism : Choice and number of outcomes in elevating media effects
Elevation! Only if you care: Examining the determinants of users' elevation responses to short film clips
Elevation puts moral values into action
Elevation leads to altruistic behavior
Elevation in response to entertainment portrayals of moral virtue
Elevation at work: The effects of leader's moral excellence
Elevation and mentoring: An experimental assessment of causal relations
Elevation : A review of scholarship on a moral and other-praising emotion
Corporate socially responsible initiatives and their effects on consumption of green products
Broadcasting one world: How watching online videos can elicit elevation and reduce stereotypes
Autonomic and prefrontal events during moral elevation
Attainable and relevant moral exemplars are more effective than extraordinary exemplars in promoting voluntary service engagement
A moral act, elevation, and prosocial behavior: Moderators of morality
"Neural basis of moral elevation demonstrated through inter-subject synchronization of cortical activity during free-viewing
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