간호대학생의 정신간호 실습전후 정신질환에 대한 태도
간호대학생의 정신간호 실습전후 정신질환에 대한 태도' 의 주제별 논문영향력
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간호대학생의 정신간호 실습전후 정신질환에 대한 태도' 의 참고문헌
Unconditional self-acceptance and psychological health
The relation of autonomy in clinical practice and satisfaction of student nurses
The moderating effect of a child's unconditional self-acceptance on the relationship between the mother's perfectionism and the child's emotion
The mediating effects of self-acceptance and adaptive emotion regulation strategies and subjective well-being of college students
The attitudes of community leaders toward mental illness
Speech communication:association
Scaling community attitudes toward the mentally ill
Relationship of supervise perfectionism to supervisory working alliance: mediating effects of shame, self-acceptance, and cognitive coping
Nursing students' recognition of right in mentally ill persons and attitudes toward mental illness
Development and evaluation of extracurricular coaching programs for improving communication skills and leadership among nursing students
Attitudes of the mental health professionals toward mental illness
Attitudes of the Suseo-Irwon local residents toward mentally ill patients
A study on the recognition for psychiatric patients of nursing students
A study on psychiatric nurses and non-psychiatric nurses' attitudes toward mental illness & the mentally ill
간호대학생의 정신간호 실습전후 정신질환에 대한 태도'
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