Gluten-free 식품의 gluten 함량 측정을 위한 미량시험측정법 검정


' Gluten-free 식품의 gluten 함량 측정을 위한 미량시험측정법 검정' 의 참고문헌

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  • The spectrum of coeliac disease: epidemiology, clinical aspects and treatment
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  • The immune recognition of gluten in coeliac disease
  • Structural basis for HLA-DQ2-mediated presentation of gluten epitopes in celiac disease
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  • Review article: safe amounts of gluten for patients with wheat allergy or coeliac disease
  • Recent advances in coeliac disease
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  • Monoclonal antibody sandwich enzyme immunoassays for determination of gluten in foods
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  • Monoclonal antibody R5 for detection of putatively celiac-toxic gliadins peptides
  • Methods for determination of activity of hydrolytic enzymes
  • Mechanism of degradation of immunogenic gluten epitopes from Triticum turgidum L. var. durum by sourdough Lactobacilli and Fungal proteases
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  • Integration of genetic and immunlogical insights into a model of celiac disease pathogenesis
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  • Infectious associations of celiac disease
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  • Immunochemical Detection Methods for Gluten in Food Products: Where Do We Go from Here?
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  • Highly efficient gluten degradation with a newly identified prolyl endoprotease: implications for celiac disease
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  • Establishment of reference doses for residues of allergenic foods: report of the VITAL expert panel
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  • Epidemiology and clinical presentations of celiac disease
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  • Enzyme immunoassay for determination of gluten in foods: collaborative study
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  • Efficient degradation of gluten by a prolyl endoprotease in a gastrointestinal model: implications for coeliac disease
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  • Efficiency and Limitations of Immunochemical Assays for the Testing of Gluten-free Foods
  • Detection and quantification of gluten during the brewing and fermentation of beer wsing antibody-based technologies
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  • Deamidation of gluten proteins and peptides decreases the antibody affinity in gluten analysis assays
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  • Comprehensive analysis of gluten in processed foods using a new extraction method and a competitive ELISA based on the R5 antibody
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  • Comparative study of commercially available gluten ELISA kits using an incurred reference material
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  • Coeliac disease is associated with intrauterine growth and neonatal infections
  • Codex Standard 118-1979 (revised 2008), Foods for special dietary use for persons intolerant to gluten
  • Chemistry of gluten proteins
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  • Characterization of antibodies and development of an indirect competitive immunoassay for detection of deamidated gluten
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  • Celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity
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  • Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists
  • A monoclonal antibody that recognizes a potential coeliac-toxic repetitive pentapeptide epitope in gliagins
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