“유통업체 브랜드 구매 후 평가와 제조업체 브랜드구매의도:혁신성 및 모방성 지각의 조절효과”
“유통업체 브랜드 구매 후 평가와 제조업체 브랜드구매의도:혁신성 및 모방성 지각의 조절효과”' 의 참고문헌
할인점의 PB 확대 정책이 유통구조에 미치는 영향. in: 산업연구시리즈 제 3 호
쿠폰 미지참으로 인한 후회감이 구매행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
경영학연구 32 1 9-255
유통업체상표 선호도에 영향을 미치는 요인들의 구조적 관계
소비문화연구 7 3 41-57
유통업체 브랜드와 제조업체 브랜드간 전략적 연계에 관한 연구
유통연구 9 3 49-68
유통업자상표의 지각된 품질에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구
소비문화연구 7 1 119-136
유통업자상표 의류 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
유통연구 4 2 59-74
유통업자 상표 태도에 대한 소매업체 이미지의 후광 효과 및 함의 개념에 관한 연구
유통연구 9 2 101-122
오리지널 브랜드 제시 여부와 제품유형이 이미테이션 브랜드 평가에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색적 연구
경영교육연구 34 35 343-362
예견된 후회와 만족이 브랜드 전환 결정에 미치는 영향
소매 환경에서 지각된 가치의 선행요인과 성과요인에 관한 연구
소비문화연구 8 1 91-114
복제품 구매요인이 정품 행동의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구- 패션 복제품에 대한 만족과 후회를 매개로
소비문화연구 9 2 101-125
Word-of-Mouth Processes within a Services Purchase Decision Context
Using Service Quality to Enhance the Perceived Quality of Store Brands
Huang, Min-Hsin
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 20 2 241-252
The Properties of Interactivity: Impact on Perceived Value in the Catalog and Internet Context
The Nature and Benefits of National Brand/Private Label Competition
The Effects of Product Class Knowledge on Information Search Behavior
The Effect of Store Name, Brand Name and Price Discounts on Consumers Evaluations and Purchase Intentions
The Effect of Store Image on Consumers Perception of Designer and Private Label Clothing
The Effect of Personal Involvement of the Decision to Buy Store Brand
Switching Behavior in Automobile Market: A Consideration-Sets Model
Store Brand and Retail Differentiation: The Influence of Store Image and Store Brand Attitude on Store Own Brand Perceptions
Schema Congruity as a Basis for Product Evaluation
Satisfaction: A Behavioral Perspective on the Consumer
Regret: A Model of its Antecedents and Consequences in Consumer Decision Making
Regret and Elation Following Action and Inaction
Landman, Janet
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 13 4 524-536
Pursuing the Value-Conscious Consumer: Store Brands Versus National Brand Promotions
Pricing Store Brands across Categories and Retailers
Organizing for Effective New Product Development: The Moderating Role of Product Innovation
Non-price Determinants of Intention to Purchase Counterfeit Goods An Exploratory Study
National Brand Responses to Brand Imitation: Retailers versus Other Manufacturers
Modern Retailing: Theory and Practice. 6th edition
Measuring Service Quality: A Reexamination and Extension
Managing Customer Value Creating Quality and Service that Customers Can See
Interfirm Relational Drivers of Customer Value
Innovation in General Practice: Is the Gap between Training and Non-training Practices Getting
How Store Image Affects Shopping Habits in Grocery Chains
How Should National Brands Think about Private Labels
Household Store Brand Proneness: A Framework
Familiarity and Its Impact on Consumer Decision Biases and Heuristic
Factors Affecting Attitudes toward Private Labels and Promoted Brands
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Cue Effects on Perceptions of Store Brand Quality
Exploring the Development of Store Image
Entrenched Knowledge Structures and Consumer Response to New Products
Effects of Prior Knowledge and Experience and Phase of the Choice Process on Consumer Decision Processes: A Protocol Analysis
Do Consumers Perceive Differences among National Brands, International Private Labels and Local Private Labels? the Case of Taiwan
Distinguishing Coupon Proneness From Value Consciousness: an Acquisition-Transaction Utility Theory Perspective
Consumer Knowledge Assessment
Consumer Evaluations of Brand Imitations
Consumer Dissatisfaction: The Effect of Disconfirmed Expectancy on Perceived Product Performance
Consequences of Regret Aversion 2: Additional Evidence for Effects of Feedback on Decision Making
Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors
Brand Imitation and its Effects on Innovation, and Brand Equity
Brand Confusion: Empirical Study of a Legal Concept
Antecedents of Private Label Attitude and National Brand Promotion Attitude: Similarities and Differences Purchase
An Integrated Approach Toward The Spatial Modeling of Perceived Customer Value
A Reverse Outcome Bias: The Influence of Multiple Reference Points on the Evaluation of Outcomes and Decisions
Boles, Terry L.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 61 262-275
“유통업체 브랜드 구매 후 평가와 제조업체 브랜드구매의도:혁신성 및 모방성 지각의 조절효과”'
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