고객 정보참여 행동의 결정요인과 관여의 조절역할: 구전과 협조를 중심으로' 의 참고문헌
When Brand Attitudes Affect the Customer Satisfaction-Loyalty Relation:The Moder- ating Role of Product Involvement
16 2 145-155[2006]
The Structural Relationships Among Antecedents of Prosocial Be- haviors in the Hotel Food and Beverage Departments
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The Relevance of Ethical Salesperson Behavior on Relationship Quality Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
The Measure- ment of Word-of-Mouth Communication and an Investigation of Service Quality and Customer Commitment as Potential Antecedents
4 1 60-75[2001]
The Influence of Salesperson Selling Behaviors on Customer Satisfaction with Products
73 2 171-183[1997]
The Impact of Customers' Perceived Prosocial Behaviors of Customer- Contact Employees on the Evaluation of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Voluntary Performance
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The Effects of the Exchange Relationships between Service Organiza- tions and Customers on Customer Citizen- ship Behavior The Moderating Role of Customer Experience
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The Effects of Customer Citizenship Behavior and Badness Behavior on PerceivedService Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Repur- chase Intention
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The Effect of Referral Reward Programs on Consumers' Intention to Recommend The Role of Reward Type Consumer-Brand Relationships Quality, and User Status
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The Different Roles of Satisfaction, Trust, and Commitment in Customer Relation- ships
The Customer as a Productive Resource: A Pilot Study and Strategic Implications
Relationship Quality in Services Selling Journal of Marketing
Perceived Justice of College Education Services and Its Effect on Relationship Quality and Customer Voluntary Behaviors
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Participative Customers as Partial Employees and Service Provider Workload
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On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models
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Moderating Roles of Consumer Involvement and Ad Types in Consumer Information Processing
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Managing Service Delivery on the Internet: Facilitating Customer's Coproduction and Citizenship Behaviour in Service Organization
Managing Customers as Employees of the Firm New Challenges for Human Resources Management
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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Marketing
How to Improve Per- ceived Service Quality by Improving Cu- stomer Participation In Developments in Marketing Science Academy of Marketing Science
Effects of Personal Values and Service Encounter Characteristics on Customer Participation Behavior
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Effects of Customer Partici- pation and Citizenship Behavior on Per- ceived Service Quality and Repurchase IntentionIn Non-profit University Edu- cational Service
33 2 473-502[2004]
Customer Vol- untary Performance Customers as Part- ners in Service Delivery
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Customer Participation in Service Pro- duction and Delivery
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Customer Contri- butions to Quality A Different View of the Customer-Oriented Firm
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Customer Co-creation of Service Outcomes Effects of Locus of Causality Attributions
Antecedents and Consequences of Mem- bership Consumers’ Organizational Identification - Focusing on Consumer Cooperatives
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Analyses of Brand Community Charac- teristics and Quality of Relationship according to Community For- mation Orientation Comparisons between Maker Oriented Community and Customer Oriented Community
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An Incentive Mechanism for Customer Citizenship Behavior