“초기 창업기업의 자금투자유치를 위한 온라인 클러스터링 플랫폼 연구,”


' “초기 창업기업의 자금투자유치를 위한 온라인 클러스터링 플랫폼 연구,”' 의 참고문헌

  • 중소기업 정책자금지원의 재무성과:자금별 분석
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  • 소상공인 창업의 재무성과 영향요인 연구
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  • Korea creative economy entrepreneurship ecosystem status and challenges:entrepreneurship indicators compared to the cross-country center
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  • Equity-type Crowd funding :How to create new investment and the economy people realize Imagine
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  • An Exploratory Study of imprinting effects and long-term survival of the company's founding principles
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  • A study on the current status of crowd funding and legislative activity
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