6개월 영아에 대한 신체접촉 유형에서의 차이: 어머니우울, 양육스트레스, 불안, 접촉에 대한 느낌, 그리고 자아개념을 중심으로' 의 참고문헌
저체중 출생아와 정상아의 모아상호작용 변화 양상
자기집중적 주의, 실제 자기개념 및 자기 안내자의 선호성을 고려한 자기 불일치와 우울 및 불안의 관계
인간의 사회적 성격적 발달
의사전달로서의 영아기 신체접촉
10 1 51-73[2003]
영아기 애착관련 변인과 모성행동 특성 분석
영아기 발달에 따른 한국 어머니의 신체접촉 양상의 변화
16 4 75-97[2003]
영아-어머니 간의 애착 유형과 그 관련 변인
어머니의 내적 변인에 따른 영아와의 신체접촉 유형간 비교
17 1 1-18[2004]
Use-dependent alterations of movement representations in primary motor cortex of adult squirrel monkeys
16 785-807[1996]
Touch in mother-infant interaction.
Touch during mother-infant interactions: The effects of parenting stress, depression and anxiety.
Touch during mother-infant interactions
21 405-[1998]
The tactile context of a mother's caregiving Implications for attachment of low birth weigh infants
23 91-111[2000]
The role of tactile contact in rhesus monkey social development The Foundation of Experience
The psychobiology of parenting in mammals Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
The human significance of the skin
The effects of systematic stroking versus tickling and poking on infant behavior.
18 169-178[1997]
The effects of infant child care on infant-mother attachment security results of the NICHD study of early child care
68 860-879[1997]
The Science of Love Under- standing Love and Its Effects on Mind and Body
Specificity of infants' response to mothers' affective behavior Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Response of abused and disadvantaged toddlers to distress in arguments A study in the day care setting
Representational models of relationships links between caregiving and attachment
17 198-216[1996]
Playful interaction and the antecedents of attachment a longitudinal study of Central American and European mothers and infants
43 24-47[1997]
Patterns of attachment A psychological study of the Strange Situation
Parturient women can recognize their infant by touch
Parental aversion to infant-initiated contact is correlated with the parent's own rejection during childhood The effects of experience on signals of security with respect to attachment The foundation of experience Full revised and expanded proceedings of Johnson & Johnson Pediatric Round Table X
Mother-infant tactile communication at four months: Infant gender, maternal ethnicity, and maternal depression.
More hippocampal neurons in adult mice living in an enriched environment
386 493-495[1997]
Maternal touch and materal child-directed speech: effects of depressed mood in the postnatal period.
Maternal sensitivity and newborns' orientation responses as related to quality of attachment in northern Germany Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
Limitations on input as a basis for neural organization and perceptual development
Infants' sensitivity to manipulations of maternal touch during face-to-face interactions
5 41-55[1996]
Evidence for active synapse formation or altered postsynaptic metabolism in visual cortex of rats reared in complex environments Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Emotions and emotional communication in infants
Early tactile experience of low birth weight children Links to later mental health and social adaptation
10 93-115[2001]
Early Trauma and the Development of the Right Brain
45 95-99[1998]
Differential touch as a function of instruction during mother-infant interactions: Application of the Caregiver-Infant Touch Scale (CITS).
Developmental physiology and pathophysiology of behavior and nervous functions
Childhood sexual and physical abuse
Characteristics of child victims of physical violence Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Brain storage of information from cutaneous and other modalities in development and adulthood The foundation of experience Full revised and expanded proceedings of Johnson & Johnson Pediatric Round Table X
gree ug 97-126[1990]
Behavior-state matching and synchrony in mother- infant interactions of nondepressed versus depressed dyads
Associations among attachment classifications of mother, fathers, and their infants.
67 541-555[1996]
An empirical study of infant affective configurations of facial
A neurodevelopmental view of childhood trauma
7 33-51[1998]
6개월 영아에 대한 신체접촉 유형에서의 차이: 어머니우울, 양육스트레스, 불안, 접촉에 대한 느낌, 그리고 자아개념을 중심으로'
의 유사주제(
) 논문