불안장애 유아의 기질과 역기능적 정서조절의 관계에 대한 어머니 양육행동의 중재효과
활용도 Analysis
논문 Analysis
연구자 Analysis
한국심리학회지 상담 및 심리치료
영남대학교 중앙도서관
영남대학교 중앙도서관
불안장애 유아의 기질과 역기능적 정서조절의 관계에 대한 어머니 양육행동의 중재효과' 의 참고문헌
한국판 영유아 행동문제 평가척도(Korean Behavior Assessment System for Children; K-BASC) 표준화 예비연구
한국심리학회지: 발달 16 4 175-191
한국 유아 행동문제의 경향과 특성: 서울지역을 중심으로
한국심리학회지: 발달 17 4 53-74
정신 및 형태장애. -국제질병분류- 제10판 (ICD-10)
정서조절과 정신병리의 관계: 연구 현황과 과제
한국심리학회지: 상담 및 심리치료 18 3 461-493
어머니가 지각한 아동의 기질, 어머니의 정서조절 및 양육행동과 아동의 정서조절간의 관계
아동학회지 23 1 37-54
성별에 따른 유아의 정서능력과 관련변인간 구조 분석
아동학회지 23 6 15-32
성별과 사회경제적 환경이 학령전 아동의 언어발달에 미치는 효과 : 도형과 색을 이용한 언어검사를 통해 평가된 언어능력의 비교
한국심리학회 : 발달 7 2 74-91
Young children's coping with interpersonal anger
You just don't understand
Variation in susceptibility to environmental influence : An evolutionary argument
Belsky, J.
Psychological Inquiry 8 3 230-235
Vagal tone and the psysiological regulation of emotion, In The development of emotion regulation: Biological and behavioral considerations
Themes and theories: Perspectives on processes in family-peer relationships, In Family-peer relationships; Modes of linkage
The roots of individuality: Normal patterns of development in infancy
The organization and coherence of socioemotional, cognitive, and representational development: Illustrations through a developmental psychopathology perspective on Down syndrome and child maltreatment, In Nebraska Symposium on Motivation: Vol 36. Socioemotional development
The development of emotional and behavioral self-regulation and social competence among maltreated school-age children
Shileds, A.
Development and Psychopathology 6 57-75
The development of emotion: Regulation and dysregulation: A clinical perspective
Cole, P. M.
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 59 2-3 73-100
Temperament and behavior disorders in children
Social anxiety and history of behavioral inhibitions in young adults
Mick, M.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 12 1-20
Relations in Relationships, In Handbook of Attachment
Psychophysiological correlates of emotional reactivity during the first year of life
Fox, N. A.
Developmental Psychology 25 364-372
Preschooler's emotional control in the disappointment paradigm and its relation to temperament, emotional knowledge, and family expressiveness
Predicting toddler anxiety/depressive symptoms : Effects of caregiver sensitivity on temperamentally vulnerable children
Patterns of change in early childhood aggressive-disruptive behavior : Gender differences in predictions from early coercive and affectionate mother-child interactions
Patterning of newborn behavior in an urban population
Parents' reactions to children's negative emotions : Relations to children's social competence and comforting behavior
Parenting girls and boys, In Handbook of parenting: Vol 1. Children and parenting
Parental socializationn of emotion
Origins and outcomes of individual differences in emotion regulation, In Emotion regulation: Behavioral and biological considerations
Mutual emotion regulation and the stability of conduct problems between preschool and early school age
Cole, P. M.
Development and psychopathology 15 1-18
Multidimensional assessment of emotion regulation and dysregulation : Development, factor structure, and initial validation of the difficulties in emotion regulation scale
Gartz, K. L.
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 26 1 41-54
Integrating diverse developmental perspectives on emotion regulation
How big is big enough? Sample size and goodness-of-fit in structural equation models with latent variables
Gender differences in emotional expressivity and self-regulation during early infancy
Epidemiology of anxiety disorders, In Psychiatry
Emotionality, emotion regulation, and adaptation among 5-to-8-year-old children
Emotion-related regulation : An emerging construct
Emotion-focused therapy: coaching clients to work through their feelings
Emotion regulation: Influences of attachment relationships, In The development of emotion regulation: Behavioral and biological considerations
Emotion regulation as a scientific construct : Methodological challenges and directions for child development research
Emotion regulation and understanding implications for child psychopathology and therapy
Emotion regulation among school-age children : The development and validation of a new criterion Q-sort scale
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
Behavioral Assessment of Childhood Disorders
BASC: Behavior Assessment System for children Manual
Assessment of children: behavioral and clinical applications
Anxiety disorders in girls, In Behavioral and emotional problems in girls
Adrenocortical activity and emotion regulation, In The development of emotion regulation: Biological and behavioral considerations
Abnormal child psychology
A prospective study of childhood anxiety-disorders
Last, C. G.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 35 11 1502-1510
불안장애 유아의 기질과 역기능적 정서조절의 관계에 대한 어머니 양육행동의 중재효과'
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