영아기 공동주의 발달에 대한 단기 종단연구: 어머니와 자유 놀이에서의 주의 상태와 가리키기 행동을 중심으로' 의 참고문헌
장난감 중심 상호작용 상황에서 보이는 영아-어머니 주도성과 반응성
17 2 19-35[2004]
social exchange and the acquisition of language Journal of child language
and symptom presentation in autistic children
and play as infancy precursors to language and theory of mind
and language developent in 6-month old
Understanding the link between joint attention and language Its origins and role in development
Two perspectives on pointing in infancy its origins and role in development
Theories of mind in infancy
14 19-40[1996]
The social bases of language acquisition
The origins of intentional vocalizations in prelinguistic infants
50 33-40[1979]
The origins of Joint attention Relations between social knowledge University of Chicago
The organization of action and the nature of the adult-infant transaction Social interchange in infancy
The ontogeny and phylogeny of joint visual attention Natural theories of mind development and simulation of everyday mindreading
tion -[1991]
The language environments of child care homes and their relation to language development in the second and third years of life
4 0419-4217[2002]
The importance of eyes: How infants interpret adult looking behavior.
The emergence of symbols:Cognition and communication in infancy
The development of joint attention in premature low birth weight infants effects of early medical complications and maternal attention-directing behaviors Its origins and role in development
The child's theory of mind
The achievement and antecedents of labeling
5 1 1-15[1978]
The Role of Eye-to-Eye Contact in Maternal-Infant Attachment
8 1 13-25[1967]
Social interchange in infancy
Social cognition, joint attention, and communicative competence from 9 to 15 months of age.
Pointing by hand in
Origins of joint visual attention in infants
Mothers' and toddlers' coordinated joint focus of attention Variations with maternal dysphoric symptoms
Manual action in infant chimpanzees
Joint-attentional states and lexical aquisition at 18 months
Joint visual attention in infancy
Joint attention as social cognition Its origins and role in development
Joint attention and imitative learning in children, chimpanzees, and enculturated chimpanzees.
Joint attention and early communicative development in 9- to 15-month old infants
57 8 -[1997]
Intersubjectivity and the transmission of culture
28 437-445[1975]
Infants' understanding of the point gesture as an object-directed action
17 1 1061-1084[2002]
Infants selectively encode the goal of an actor's reach
69 1 1-34[1998]
Infant gaze following based on eye direction British Journal of Developmental Psychology
Infant communication development and maternal interpretation of intentionality Paper presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies
Individual differences in joint attention skill development in the second year
Individual differences in infant skills as predictors of child-caregiver joint attention and language
How infants make sense of intentional action Foundations of social cognition
Gestures and words with mothers and peers
Following the direction of gaze and language development in 6-month-olds
Factors influencing joint attention between socioecono- mically disadvantaged adolescent mothers and their infants Its origins and role in development
Emergence of joint attention Relationships between gaze following and naming in infancy Journal of Genetic Psychology
Early understanding of mind Perspectives from autism
Differences between chimpanzees in the resting state of the index finger Implications for pointing Journal of Comparative Psychology
Development of pointing as a social gesture
17 215-220[1981]
Developing theories of intention
Defining the social deficits in autism The contribution of nonverbal communication measures Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Coordinating attention to people and objects in mother-infant and peer-infant interaction
Coding Symbol-Infused Engagement States
영아기 공동주의 발달에 대한 단기 종단연구: 어머니와 자유 놀이에서의 주의 상태와 가리키기 행동을 중심으로'
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