과학교사 교수내용지식(PCK)의 재구성과 적용 방법


' 과학교사 교수내용지식(PCK)의 재구성과 적용 방법' 의 참고문헌

  • 중등과학교사들의 교수법 및 자기효능감과 태도에 따른 교과교육학지식
    박성혜 한국과학교육학회지 26 1 122-131 [2006]
  • 사회과 탐구와 교사자질
    이종일 교육 과학사 - [2006]
  • 교육학 용어사전
  • 교사들의 과학 교과교육학지식과 예측변인
    박성혜 한국과학교육학회지 23 6 671-683 [2003]
  • 교사들의 과학 교과교육학 지식 측정도구 개발
    박성혜 한국교원교육연구 20 1 105-134 [2003]
  • 과학 교과교육학 지식의 본질과 발 달
    임청환 Journal of Korean Earth Science Society 24 4 235-249 [2003]
  • When should teachers learn pedagogical content knowledge
    Marks, R. - [1991]
  • Understanding and developing science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge
    Loughran, J. - [2006]
  • Transforming the subject matter: Examining the intellectual roots of pedagogical content knowledge
    Deng, Z. Curriculum Inquiry 37 3 279-295 [2007]
  • Transforming content knowledge: Learning to teach about isotopes
    Geddis, A.N. Science Education 77 6 575-591 [1993]
  • Traditional versus integrated preservice teacher education curriculum
    Kim, M.M. Journal of Teacher Education 55 4 341-356 [2004]
  • Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching
    Shulman,L.S Educational Researcher 15 2 4-14 [1986]
  • The relationship between teacher content and pedagogical content knowledge and student content knowledge of heat energy and temperature
    Magnusson, S. - [1992]
  • The influence of an intensive in-service workshop on pedagogical content knowledge growth among novice chemical demonstrators
    Clermont, C.P. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 30 1 21-43 [1993]
  • The generic nature of pedagogical content knowledge among college professors
    Fernandez-Balboa, J-M. Teaching & Teacher Education 11 3 293-306 [1995]
  • The development of preservice chemistry teachers' pedagogical content knowledge
    Van Driel, J.H. Science Education 86 572-590 [2002]
  • The culture of teaching
    Feiman-Nemser, S. 505-526 [1986]
  • The complex nature and sources of teachers' pedagogical knowledge
    Morine-Dershimer, G. 21-50 [1999]
  • Teaching complex subject matter in science: Insight from an analysis of pedagogical content knowledge
    Magnusson, S. - [1994]
  • Teacher pedagogical constructions: A reconfiguration of pedagogical content knowledge
    Hashweh, M.Z. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 11 3 273-292 [2005]
  • Teacher knowledge and representation of content in instruction about heat energy and temperature
    Magnusson, S. - [1993]
  • Subject matter and related pedagogical knowledge in teacher education
    Tamir, P. Teaching and Teacher Education 4 2 99-110 [1988]
  • Shulman, L. S., & Sykes, G. (1986). A national board for teaching? In search of a bold standard. A report for the task force on teaching as a profession. New York: Carnegie Corporation. Cited form P. Tamir (1998)
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  • Science teacher's handbook
  • Science activities that work: Perceptions of primary school teachers
    Appleton, K. Research in Science Education 32 393-410 [2002]
  • Revisiting the conceptualization of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK): PCK as a conceptual tool to understand teachers as professionals
    Park, S. Research in Science Education 38 261-284 [2008]
  • Revisiting pedagogical content knowledge: The pedagogy of content/the content of pedagogy
    Segall, A. Teaching and Teacher Education 20 489-504 [2004]
  • Research on science teacher knowledge
    Abell, S.K. 1105-1149 [2007]
  • Research on instructional strategies for teaching science
    Tobin, K. 45-128 [1994]
  • Professional development and reform in science education : The role of teachers’ practical knowledge
    Van Driel, J. H. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 38 2 137-158 [2001]
  • Preservice teachers' pedagogical content knowledge of using particle models in teaching chemistry
    De Jong, O. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 42 8 947-964 [2005]
  • Pedagogical context knowledge: Toward a fuller understanding of what good science teachers know
    Barnett, J. Science Education 85 426-453 [2001]
  • Pedagogical content knowledge: From a mathematical case to a modified conception
    Marks,R Journal of Teacher Education 41 3 3-11 [1990]
  • Pedagogical content knowledge: Can a successful program of research exist without scientific-based research
    Holder, K.C. 2004- [2004]
  • Pedagogical content knowledge: An introduction and orientation
  • Pedagogical content knowledge: A tentative model for teacher preparation
    Cochran, K.F. - [1991]
  • Pedagogical content knowledge taxonomies
    Veal, W.R. Educational Journal of Science Education 3 4 1-14 [1999]
  • Nature, sources, and development of pedagogical content knowledge for science
    Magnusson, S. 95-132 [1999]
  • National science education standards
  • Model standards in science for beginning teacher licensing and development: A Resource for state dialogue
  • Knowledge and teaching : Foundations of the new reform
    Shulman, L. S. Harvard Educational Review 57 1 1-22 [1987]
  • Investigating the development of preservice teachers' pedagogical content knowledge
    Van Driel, J.H. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research and Science Teaching - [2001]
  • In search of pedagogical content knowledge in science: Developing ways of articulating and documenting professional practice
    Loughran, J. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 41 4 370-391 [2004]
  • Foundations of behavioral research
  • Exploring the development of student teachers' PCK of the multiple meanings of chemistry topics
    De Jong, O. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 2 477-491 [2004]
  • Examining pedagogical content knowledge
  • Domain of teacher knowledge
    Carlsen, W. 133-144 [1999]
  • Documenting science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge through PaP-eRs
    Loughran, J. Research in Science Education 31 2 289-307 [2001]
  • Developing science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge
    Van Driel, J.H. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 35 6 673-695 [1998]
  • Constructing a framework for elementary science teaching using pedagogical content knowledge
    Zembal-Saul, C. 237-256 [1999]
  • Conceptualizing pedagogical content knowledge from the perspective of experienced secondary science teachers
    Lee, E. - [2005]
  • Changing our teaching: The role of pedagogical content knowledge in elementary science
    Smith, D.C. - [1999]
  • Becoming a better science teacher: 8 Steps to high quality instruction and student achievement
    Hammerman, E. - [2006]
  • Assessment and measurement of pedagogical content knowledge
    Baxter, J.A. 147-161 [1999]
  • Achieving scientific literacy: From purposes to practices
    Bybee, R. W. - [1997]
  • A research model for the study of science teachers' PCK and improving teacher education
    Van Dijk, E.M. Teaching and Teacher Education 23 885-897 [2007]