과학교사 교수내용지식(PCK)의 재구성과 적용 방법
활용도 Analysis
논문 Analysis
연구자 Analysis
과학교사 교수내용지식(PCK)의 재구성과 적용 방법' 의 참고문헌
중등과학교사들의 교수법 및 자기효능감과 태도에 따른 교과교육학지식
한국과학교육학회지 26 1 122-131
교사들의 과학 교과교육학지식과 예측변인
한국과학교육학회지 23 6 671-683
교사들의 과학 교과교육학 지식 측정도구 개발
한국교원교육연구 20 1 105-134
과학 교과교육학 지식의 본질과 발 달
Journal of Korean Earth Science Society 24 4 235-249
When should teachers learn pedagogical content knowledge
Understanding and developing science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge
Transforming the subject matter: Examining the intellectual roots of pedagogical content knowledge
Deng, Z.
Curriculum Inquiry 37 3 279-295
Transforming content knowledge: Learning to teach about isotopes
Traditional versus integrated preservice teacher education curriculum
Kim, M.M.
Journal of Teacher Education 55 4 341-356
Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching
The relationship between teacher content and pedagogical content knowledge and student content knowledge of heat energy and temperature
The influence of an intensive in-service workshop on pedagogical content knowledge growth among novice chemical demonstrators
Clermont, C.P.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 30 1 21-43
The generic nature of pedagogical content knowledge among college professors
The development of preservice chemistry teachers' pedagogical content knowledge
The complex nature and sources of teachers' pedagogical knowledge
Teaching complex subject matter in science: Insight from an analysis of pedagogical content knowledge
Teacher pedagogical constructions: A reconfiguration of pedagogical content knowledge
Hashweh, M.Z.
Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 11 3 273-292
Teacher knowledge and representation of content in instruction about heat energy and temperature
Subject matter and related pedagogical knowledge in teacher education
Tamir, P.
Teaching and Teacher Education 4 2 99-110
Shulman, L. S., & Sykes, G. (1986). A national board for teaching? In search of a bold standard. A report for the task force on teaching as a profession. New York: Carnegie Corporation. Cited form P. Tamir (1998)
Science teacher's handbook
Science activities that work: Perceptions of primary school teachers
Appleton, K.
Research in Science Education 32 393-410
Revisiting the conceptualization of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK): PCK as a conceptual tool to understand teachers as professionals
Park, S.
Research in Science Education 38 261-284
Revisiting pedagogical content knowledge: The pedagogy of content/the content of pedagogy
Segall, A.
Teaching and Teacher Education 20 489-504
Research on science teacher knowledge
Research on instructional strategies for teaching science
Professional development and reform in science education : The role of teachers’ practical knowledge
Preservice teachers' pedagogical content knowledge of using particle models in teaching chemistry
De Jong, O.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 42 8 947-964
Pedagogical context knowledge: Toward a fuller understanding of what good science teachers know
Pedagogical content knowledge: From a mathematical case to a modified conception
Journal of Teacher Education 41 3 3-11
Pedagogical content knowledge: Can a successful program of research exist without scientific-based research
Pedagogical content knowledge: An introduction and orientation
Pedagogical content knowledge: A tentative model for teacher preparation
Pedagogical content knowledge taxonomies
Veal, W.R.
Educational Journal of Science Education 3 4 1-14
Nature, sources, and development of pedagogical content knowledge for science
National science education standards
Model standards in science for beginning teacher licensing and development: A Resource for state dialogue
Knowledge and teaching : Foundations of the new reform
Investigating the development of preservice teachers' pedagogical content knowledge
Van Driel, J.H.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research and Science Teaching -
In search of pedagogical content knowledge in science: Developing ways of articulating and documenting professional practice
Loughran, J.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 41 4 370-391
Foundations of behavioral research
Exploring the development of student teachers' PCK of the multiple meanings of chemistry topics
De Jong, O.
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 2 477-491
Examining pedagogical content knowledge
Domain of teacher knowledge
Documenting science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge through PaP-eRs
Loughran, J.
Research in Science Education 31 2 289-307
Developing science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge
Van Driel, J.H.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 35 6 673-695
Constructing a framework for elementary science teaching using pedagogical content knowledge
Conceptualizing pedagogical content knowledge from the perspective of experienced secondary science teachers
Changing our teaching: The role of pedagogical content knowledge in elementary science
Becoming a better science teacher: 8 Steps to high quality instruction and student achievement
Assessment and measurement of pedagogical content knowledge
Achieving scientific literacy: From purposes to practices
A research model for the study of science teachers' PCK and improving teacher education
과학교사 교수내용지식(PCK)의 재구성과 적용 방법'
의 유사주제(
) 논문