지역사회건강증진을 위한 참여: 이해와 적용' 의 참고문헌
Workshop on health promoting public health centers for 2012 community-based participatory health promotion model development
The WHO Healthy Cities Project: state of the art and future plans
Strategies and techniques for effective group process in CBPR partnerships, In Methods in community-based participatory research for health
Spinning the wheel of empowerment
Rethinking community participation in urban planning: The role of disadvantaged groups in Sydney Metropolitan Strategy
Mahjabeen, Z.
Australian Journal of Regional Studies 15 1 45-63
Principles of community engagement (2nd ed.)
Policy guideline: consumer and community participation guideline
Participation and power, In Power and participatory development: Theory and practice
Introduction to the 5th Community Health Plan development: 2011-2014
Introduction and directions for the 5th Community Health Planning
Na, B. J
Journal of Agricultural Medicine & Community Health 35 2 195-253
Identifying and defining the dimensions of community capacity to provide a basis for measurement
Health promotion practice: Building empowered communities
Health education and community empowerment : conceptualizing and measuring perceptions of individual, organizational, and community control
Four approaches to capacity building in health: Consequences for measurement and accountability
Crisp, B. R.
Health Promotion International 15 2 99-107
Development and evaluation of a toolkit to assess partnership readiness for community-based participatory research
Andrews, J. O.
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education and Action 5 2 183-188
Developing a good practice guide to community participation
Defining characteristics of community-based health promotion programs
Baker, E. A.
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 4 2 1-9
Community-based participatory research: A partnership approach for public health
Community participation in local health and sustainable development: Approaches and techniques
Community participation and empowerment: putting theory into practice
Community capacity building – a review of the literature
Building community capacity: a definitional framework and case studies from a comprehensive community initiative
Assessing community capacity for change
An identification and interpretation of the organizational aspects of community empowerment
Laverack, G
Community Development Journal 36 2 40-52
A Ladder of Citizen Participation
Arnstein, S. R.
Journal of American Institute of Planners 35 4 216-224
지역사회건강증진을 위한 참여: 이해와 적용'
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