비대칭적 의존 공급업체의 공정성 지각에 대한 소매업체 윤리경영의 영향: 거래기간의 조절효과
비대칭적 의존 공급업체의 공정성 지각에 대한 소매업체 윤리경영의 영향: 거래기간의 조절효과' 의 참고문헌
호텔 기업 직원의 윤리경영 지각이 직무성과에 미치는 영향
호텔경영학연구 14 1 19-38
중소기업경영자의 윤리수준과 경영성과의 관련성 연구
중소기업연구 26 4 99-140
조직간 관계의 질 형성과 거래지속 기간의 조절효과에 관한 연구: 수출업체와 수입업체를 중심으로
한국마케팅저널 7 2 1-22
윤리경영의 유형과 조직특성이 조직구성원의 결과행위에 미치는 영향
인적자원관리연구 12 3 69-96
외식 프랜차이즈 가맹본사의 윤리경영이가맹점주의만족에 미치는 영향
관광연구 20 3 119-140
소매업체-공급업체 관계에서 윤리경영 평가가 관계성과에 미치는 영향:공급업체 공정성 지각의 매개효과를 중심으로
유통연구 13 2 59-78
산업재시장에서 공정성이 관계품질과 성과에 미치는 영향
유통연구 11 3 79-101
비대칭적 의존구조하에서의 장기거래지향성 결정요인에 관한 연구
마케팅연구 13 1 43-60
불평처리 만족에 영향을 미치는 공정성 요소간의 관계와소매유형의 조절효과
마케팅연구 22 4 65-83
기업의 윤리적 분위기와 직원의 윤리의식 및 직무만족도간 관계에 관한 연구
최 준 환
서비스경영학회지 8 2 175-197
공정성이 지각된 관계성과와 거래의존성에 미치는 영향
대한경영학회지 21 3 1059-1076
Workers’ Evaluation of the “Ends” and the “Means”: An Examination of the Models of Distributive Justice and Procedural Justice
Sweeney, P. D
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 55 23-40
The use of pledges to build and sustain commitment in distribution channels
The Social Psychology of Justice
The Market Valuation of Internal Channel Additions
The Influence of Speed of Third-party Intervention and Outcome on Negotiator and Constituent Fairness Judgments
Conlon, D. E
Academy of Management Journal 33 4 833-846
The Effects of Supplier Fairness on Variable Resellers
The Effects of Perceived Justice on Complainant's Negative Word-of-Mouth Behavior and Repatronage Intentions
Teaching Business Ethics: Questioning the Assumption, Seeking New Directions
Journal of Business Ethics 9 31-38
Structural equation modeling in practice:a review and recommended two-step approach
Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analysis of covariance structures
Salesperson Perceptions of Equity and Justice and Their Impact on Organizational Commitment and Intent to Turnover
Roberts, J. A
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 7 1 1-16
Relationship Quality: Managing Trust in Corporate Alliances
Arino, Africa
California Management Review 44 Fall 109-134
Principles and practice of structural equation modeling
One to one B2B: Customer Development Strategies for the Business-to-Business World
On the Evaluation of Structural Models
Bagozzi, R. P
Journal of Academy of Marketing Science 23 Spring 74-94
Long-term Manufacturer-supplier Relationship: Do they Pay off for Supplier Firms?
Knowledge Search and People with High Epistemic Curiosity
Koo, D.-M
Computers in Human Behavior 26 1 12-22
Issue Contingencies and Marketers's Recognition of Ethical Issues, Ethical Judgements and Behavioral Intention
Barnett, T
Journal of Business Research 57 4 338-346
Interdependency, Contracting, and Relational Behavior in Marketing Channels
Interaction Effects in Multiple Regression, Sage University paper series on Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences Series
Importer's Benevolence toward Their Foreign Export Suppliers
Lee, D. J
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 32 1 32-48
How Ethical are Businessmen?
Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Errors
Ethics and Marketing Management: An Empirical Investigation
Chonko, L. B
Journal of Business Research 13 2 339-359
Ethical Decision Making in Organization: A Person Situation Inter-actionist Model
The Academy of Management Review 11 3 601-617
Effects of Procedural and Distributive Justice on Reactions to Pay Decisions
Folger, R.
Academy of Management Journal 32 115-130
Do Exchange Hazards Always Forster Relational Governance? An Empirical Test of the Role of Communication
Sheng, Shibin
International Journal of Research in Marketing 23 1 67-77
Developing Buyer-seller Relationship
Determinants of continuity in conventional industrial channel dyads
Determinants of Long-term Orientation in Buyer-Seller Relationship
Customer-oriented Boundary Spanning Behaviors: Test of a Social Exchange
Customer Perceptions of Industrial Equity and Satisfaction in Transactions: A Filed Survey Approach
Customer Evaluation of Service Complainant Experiences: Implications for Relationship Marketing
Tax, S. S
Journal of Marketing 62 60-76
Controlling Supplier Opportunism in Industrial Relationship
Stump, R. L
Journal of Marketing Research 33 4 431-441
Control Mechanisms and the Relationship Life Cycle: Implications for Safeguarding Specific Investments and Developing Commitment
Jap, Sandy D
Journal of Marketing Research 37 2 227-245
Consumer Response to Service Failures : Influence and Consumer perception
Goodwin, C.
Journal of Business Research 25 149-163
An investigation into the antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviors in a personal selling context
An Examination of the Nature of Trust in Buyer-Seller Relationship
An Application and Extension of Multidimensional Ethics Scale to Selected Marketing Practices and Marketing Group
Reidenbach R. E
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 19 Spring 83-92
Alliance in Industrial Purchasing: The Determinants of Joint Action in Buyer-Seller Relationship
Heide, J. B
Journal of Marketing Research 27 24-36
A Test of the Group Values and Control Models of Procedural Justice from the Competing Perspectives of Labor and Management
비대칭적 의존 공급업체의 공정성 지각에 대한 소매업체 윤리경영의 영향: 거래기간의 조절효과'
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