한국 수어의 동기화 양상

' 한국 수어의 동기화 양상' 의 주제별 논문영향력
논문영향력 선정 방법
논문영향력 요약
  • cognitive linguistics
  • conceptual metaphor
  • form
  • iconicity
  • meaning
  • motivation
  • sign language
  • 개념적 은유
  • 도상성
  • 동기화
  • 수어
  • 의미
  • 인지언어학
  • 형태
동일주제 총논문수 논문피인용 총횟수 주제별 논문영향력의 평균
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' 한국 수어의 동기화 양상' 의 참고문헌

  • Trachyonychia, or twenty-nail dystrophy
    Tosti A [1996]
  • Trachyonychia associated with alopecia areata: a clinical and pathologic study
    Tosti A [1991]
  • The presence and localization of onychodermis (specialized nail mesenchyme) containing onychofibroblasts in the nail unit: a morphological and immunohistochemical study
    Lee DY [2012]
  • Smooth muscle alpha-actin is a marker for hair follicle dermis in vivo and in vitro
    Jahoda C [1991]
  • Prevalence of nail abnormalities in children with alopecia areata
    Tosti A [1994]
  • Nuclear and cytoplasmic localization of β-catenin in the nail-matrix cells and in an onychomatricoma
    Kim CR [2013]
  • Normale histologie und histochemie des nagels
    Achten G. [1968]
  • Nail changes in alopecia areata: light and electron microscopy
    Laporte M [1987]
  • Nail changes in alopecia areata: incidence and pattern. Indian Journal of Dermatology
    Gandhi V [2003]
  • Nail changes in alopecia areata: frequency and clinical presentation
  • Nail changes in 1000 Indian patients with alopecia areata
    Sharma VK [1998]
  • Nail biology and nail science
    De Berker D [2007]
  • Leukonychia punctata and pitted nails in alopecia areata
    Dotz WI [1985]
  • Induction of hair growth by implantation of cultured dermal papilla
    Jahoda C [1984]
  • Hair and nail relationship
    Robert B [2005]
  • A clinical study of childhood alopecia areata in Chandigarh, India
    Sharma VK [1996]