암환자의 연령에 따른 증상심각성, 증상관련 지장성, 우울, 투병의지 및 사회적 지지와의 관계 비교연구
활용도 Analysis
논문 Analysis
연구자 Analysis
Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society
암환자의 연령에 따른 증상심각성, 증상관련 지장성, 우울, 투병의지 및 사회적 지지와의 관계 비교연구' 의 주제별 논문영향력
논문영향력 요약
동일주제 총논문수
논문피인용 총횟수
주제별 논문영향력의 평균
주제별 논문영향력
주제별 논문수
주제별 피인용횟수
주제별 논문영향력
* 다른 주제어 보유 논문에서 피인용된 횟수
암환자의 연령에 따른 증상심각성, 증상관련 지장성, 우울, 투병의지 및 사회적 지지와의 관계 비교연구' 의 참고문헌
퇴원손상심층조사 자료를 이용한 최근 5년간의 방광암 환자 분석
Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society 16 (1) : 447 ~ 461
퇴원손상심층조사 자료를 이용한 최근 5년간의 방광암 환자 분석
Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society 16 1 447-461
요양병원에 입원한 만성질환 노인의 우울에 대한 영향요인
Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society 14 (6) : 3035 ~ 3047
요양병원에 입원한 만성질환 노인의 우울에 대한 영향요인
Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society 14 6 3035-3047
여성암 환자의 림프부종과 관련된 신체적 불편감, 일상생활활동과 자가간호행위와의 관계
Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society 9 (3) : 1139 ~ 1152
여성암 환자의 림프부종과 관련된 신체적 불편감, 일상생활활동과 자가간호행위와의 관계
Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society 9 3 1139-1152
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 38 (2) : 270 ~ 277
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 38 2 270-277
소화기암 환자의 증상 클러스터와 활동수준, 불안, 우울 및 증상관련 지장성과의 관계 -위암, 직결장암, 간암을 중심으로-
Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society 15 (5) : 2571 ~ 2587
소화기암 환자의 증상 클러스터와 활동수준, 불안, 우울 및 증상관련 지장성과의 관계 -위암, 직결장암, 간암을 중심으로-
Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society 15 5 2571-2587
방사선 치료를 받는 유방암 환자의 증상경험, 정서상태 및 사회적지지*
Asian Oncology Nursing 6 (2) : 172 ~ 180
방사선 치료를 받는 유방암 환자의 증상경험, 정서상태 및 사회적지지*
Asian Oncology Nursing 6 2 172-180
Understanding the symptom experience of patients with gastrointestinal cancers in the first year following diagnosis : Findings from a qualitative longitudinal study
Ellis, J.
Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer 44 (1) : 60 ~ 67
Understanding the symptom experience of patients with gastrointestinal cancers in the first year following diagnosis : Findings from a qualitative longitudinal study
Ellis, J.
Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer 44 1 60-67
The symptoms of advanced cancer : relationship to age, gender, and performance status in 1, 000 patients
Walsh, D.
Supportive Care Cancer 8 (3) : 175 ~ 179
The symptoms of advanced cancer : relationship to age, gender, and performance status in 1, 000 patients
Walsh, D.
Supportive Care Cancer 8 3 175-179
The role of attachment dimensions and perceived social support in predicting adjustment to cancer
Cicero, V.
Psycho-Oncology 18 (10) : 1045 ~ 1052
The role of attachment dimensions and perceived social support in predicting adjustment to cancer
The relationship between symptoms severity and symptom interference, education, age, marital status, and type of chemotherapy treatment in Israeli women with early-stage breast cancer
Prigozin, A.
Oncology Nursing Forum 37 (6) : E411 ~ E418
The relationship between symptoms severity and symptom interference, education, age, marital status, and type of chemotherapy treatment in Israeli women with early-stage breast cancer
The influence of social support on depressive symptoms in cancer patients : age and gender differences
Hann, D.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 52 5 279-283
The hospital anxiety and depression scale
Zigmond, A. S.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 67 (6) : 361 ~ 370
The hospital anxiety and depression scale
The MOS social support survey
The MOS social support survey
The Influence of Social Support on Depressive Symptoms in Cancer Patients: Age and Gender Differences
Hann, D.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 52 (5) : 279 ~ 283
Symptom prevalence in advanced cancer : age, gender, and performance status interactions
Kirkova, J.
American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine 29 (2) : 139 ~ 145
Symptom prevalence in advanced cancer : age, gender, and performance status interactions
Kirkova, J.
American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine 29 2 139-145
Symptom distress in older adults following cancer surgery
Symptom distress in older adults following cancer surgery
Symptom correlates in the gero-oncology population
Reiner, A.
Seminars in Oncology Nursing 22 (1) : 20 ~ 30
Symptom correlates in the gero-oncology population
Reiner, A.
Seminars in Oncology Nursing 22 1 20-30
Symptom clusters in elderly patients with lung cancer
Gift, A. G.
Oncology Nursing Forum 31 (2) : 202 ~ 212
Symptom clusters in elderly patients with lung cancer
Symptom burden among cancer survivors : impact of age and comorbidity
Mao, J. J.
Journal of American Board of Family Medicine 20 (5) : 434 ~ 443
Symptom burden among cancer survivors : impact of age and comorbidity
Mao, J. J.
Journal of American Board of Family Medicine 20 5 434-443
Strategy of coping with end-state disease and cancer-related fatigue in terminally III patients
Modlinska, A.
The American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care 19 : 1 ~ 6
Strategy of coping with end-state disease and cancer-related fatigue in terminally III patients
Modlinska, A.
The American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care 19 1-6
Social support as a buffer to the psychological impact of stressful life events in women with breast cancer
Social support as a buffer to the psychological impact of stressful life events in women with breast cancer
Relationship between age and symptoms of pain and fatigue in adults undergoing treatment for cancer
Soltow, D.
Cancer Nursing 33 (4) : 296 ~ 303
Relationship between age and symptoms of pain and fatigue in adults undergoing treatment for cancer
Prevalence of anxiety and depression and their risk factors in Chinese cancer patients
Hong, J. S.
Supportive Care Cancer 22 (2) : 453 ~ 459
Prevalence of anxiety and depression and their risk factors in Chinese cancer patients
Prediction in Cost of Care according to Age Group for Older People Cancer Patients in Korea: 2010-2020
한국사회복지조사연구 27 : 63 ~ 79
Prediction in Cost of Care according to Age Group for Older People Cancer Patients in Korea: 2010-2020
한국사회복지조사연구 27 63-79
Population Projections for Korea: 2010~2060(based on the 2010 census)
Pain-related distress and interference with daily life of ambulatory patients with cancer with pain
Well, N.
Oncology Nursing Forum 30 : 977 ~ 986
Pain-related distress and interference with daily life of ambulatory patients with cancer with pain
Well, N.
Oncology Nursing Forum 30 977-986
Pain in elderly hospitalized cancer patients with bone metastases in Norway
Torvik, K.
International Journal of Palliative Nursing 14 (5) : 238 ~ 245
Pain in elderly hospitalized cancer patients with bone metastases in Norway
Torvik, K.
International Journal of Palliative Nursing 14 5 238-245
Mental adjustment to cancer : its measurement and prognostic importance
Greer, S.
Cancer Surveys 6 : 439 ~ 453
Mental adjustment to cancer : its measurement and prognostic importance
Korea health statistics 2012 : Korea national health and nutrition examination survey(KNHANES V-3)
Korea Health Statistics 2012: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES V-3)
Impact of mood disturbance, sleep disturbance, fatigue and pain among patients receiving cancer therapy
Cheng, K. K.
European Journal of Cancer Care 22 (1) : 70 ~ 78
Impact of mood disturbance, sleep disturbance, fatigue and pain among patients receiving cancer therapy
Cheng, K. K.
European Journal of Cancer Care 22 1 70-78
Fatigue, sleep, pain, mood, and performance status in patients with multiple myeloma
Fatigue, sleep, pain, mood, and performance status in patients with multiple myeloma
Explaining age-related differences in depression following breast cancer diagnosis and treatment
Avis, N.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 136 (2) : 581 ~ 591
Explaining age-related differences in depression following breast cancer diagnosis and treatment
Avis, N.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 136 2 581-591
Does age influence the symptom experience of lung cancer patients prior to surgery?
Does age influence the symptom experience of lung cancer patients prior to surgery?
Distress in older patients with cancer
Hurria, A.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 27 (26) : 4346 ~ 4351
Distress in older patients with cancer
Hurria, A.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 27 26 4346-4351
Differences in the symptom experience of older versus younger oncology outpatients : a cross-sectional study
Differences in the symptom experience of older versus younger oncology outpatients : a cross-sectional study
Development of questionnaire measure of adjustment of cancer : the MAC scale
Waston, M.
Psychological Medicine 18 (1) : 203 ~ 209
Development of questionnaire measure of adjustment of cancer : the MAC scale
Waston, M.
Psychological Medicine 18 1 203-209
Cancer pain and depression : a systematic review for age-related patterns
Gaglies, L.
Pain Research & Management 125 (3) : 205 ~ 211
Cancer pain and depression : a systematic review for age-related patterns
Gaglies, L.
Pain Research & Management 125 3 205-211
Associations between Depression, Anxiety, Hostility and Fighting Spirit among Cancer Patients in a Cancer Center inKorea
Joo hyung Kim
Cancer Research and Treatment 35 (5) : 411 ~ 418
Associations between Depression, Anxiety, Hostility and Fighting Spirit among Cancer Patients in a Cancer Center inKorea
Association of coping style, pain, age and depression with fatigue in women with primary breast cancer
Association of coping style, pain, age and depression with fatigue in women with primary breast cancer
Association of coping style, cognitive errors and cancer-related variables with depression in women treated for breast cancer
Alcalar, N.
Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 42 (10) : 940 ~ 947
Association of coping style, cognitive errors and cancer-related variables with depression in women treated for breast cancer
Alcalar, N.
Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 42 10 940-947
Assessing symptom distress in cancer patients-The M. D. Anderson symptom inventory
Assessing symptom distress in cancer patients-The M. D. Anderson symptom inventory
Analysis of treatment practices for elderly cancer patients in Ontario, Canada
Townsley, C.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 23 : 3802 ~ 3810
Analysis of treatment practices for elderly cancer patients in Ontario, Canada
Townsley, C.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 23 3802-3810
Age-related differences in symptoms and their interference with quality of life in 903 cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy
Mohile, S.
Journal of Geriatric Oncology 2 : 225 ~ 232
Age-related differences in symptoms and their interference with quality of life in 903 cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy
Mohile, S.
Journal of Geriatric Oncology 2 225-232
Age and gender differences in symptom intensity and symptom clusters among patients with metastatic cancer
Cheung, W.
Supportive Care in Cancer 19 : 417 ~ 423
Age and gender differences in symptom intensity and symptom clusters among patients with metastatic cancer
Cheung, W.
Supportive Care in Cancer 19 417-423
A review of the prevalence and impact of multiple symptom on oncology patients
A review of the prevalence and impact of multiple symptom on oncology patients
A prospective investigation of dispositional optimism as a predictor of health-related quality of life in head and neck cancer
A prospective investigation of dispositional optimism as a predictor of health-related quality of life in head and neck cancer
암환자의 연령에 따른 증상심각성, 증상관련 지장성, 우울, 투병의지 및 사회적 지지와의 관계 비교연구'
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