과업수행, 맥락수행, 적응수행, 반생산적 업무행동 기반의 직무수행 구성개념 탐색 및 수행유형 분석 = (A) Study on the Exploration of the Constructs of Job Performance and the Analysis of Job Performance Types Based on Task Performance, Contextual Performance, Adaptive Performance and Counterproductive Work Behavior
과업수행, 맥락수행, 적응수행, 반생산적 업무행동 기반의 직무수행 구성개념 탐색 및 수행유형 분석 = (A) Study on the Exploration of the Constructs of Job Performance and the Analysis of Job Performance Types Based on Task Performance, Contextual Performance, Adaptive Performance and Counterproductive Work Behavior' 의 주제별 논문영향력
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* 다른 주제어 보유 논문에서 피인용된 횟수
과업수행, 맥락수행, 적응수행, 반생산적 업무행동 기반의 직무수행 구성개념 탐색 및 수행유형 분석 = (A) Study on the Exploration of the Constructs of Job Performance and the Analysis of Job Performance Types Based on Task Performance, Contextual Performance, Adaptive Performance and Counterproductive Work Behavior' 의 참고문헌
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과업수행, 맥락수행, 적응수행, 반생산적 업무행동 기반의 직무수행 구성개념 탐색 및 수행유형 분석 = (A) Study on the Exploration of the Constructs of Job Performance and the Analysis of Job Performance Types Based on Task Performance, Contextual Performance, Adaptive Performance and Counterproductive Work Behavior'
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