What is Existential Philosophy ? ” , Arendt ; Essays in Understanding
W. 타타르키비츠 (손효주 역, , 『미학의 기본 개념사』
Tragedy , recognition , and the death of God : studies in Hegel and Nietzsche
The Twofold Truth in Wagner ’ s Aesthetics : Nietzsche ’ s Fragment ‘ On Music and Words ’ , Between Romanticism and Modernism – Four Studies in the Music of the Later Nineteenth Century
The Transfiguration of Intoxication : Nietzsche , Schopenhauer , and Dionysus ” , Nietzsche : critical assessments Ⅰ
The Philosophical Embrace of Death : Hegel , ” Death , Desire and Loss in Wester Culture
The Ontology of Action : Arendt and the Role of Narrative
The Joyous Struggle of the Sublime and the Musical Essence of Joy
The Human Condition
The Eternal Recurrence ” , Nietzsche : critical assessments Ⅱ
The Death of God and Hegel ’ s System of Philosophy
35 ( 1 ) .[1996]
Sein und Zeit
Reflections on Recurrence : A Re-examination of Nietzsche ’ s Doctrine , Die Ewige Wiederkehr des GleichenNietzsche :Critical assessments Ⅱ
Prophets of Extremity
Phänominologie des Geistes , Werke in zwanzig Bänden Bd.3
Parerga und Paralipomena Ⅱ , Sämtliche Werke , BD.5
On the Origins of ‘ Aesthetic Disinterestedness ’
Vol . 20 , No . 2 .[1961]
Nietzschean Recurrence as a Cosmological Hypothesis
Nietzsche Ⅰ & Ⅱ
Nietzsche ’ s Repudiation of the Will ” , Nietzsche : Critical Assessments Ⅱ
Nietzsche ’ s Philosophy of Art
Nietzsche ’ s Eternalistic Countermyth
Nietzsche as PhilosopherNietzsche and Philosophy
Nietzsche and the Fate of Art , Ashgate .
Nietzsche : Philosopher Psychologist Antichrist
Man , God , and Death in Hegel ’ s Phenomenology
42 ( 2 )[1981]
Introduction to the reading of Hegel : Lectures on the Phenomenology of Sprit
Hegel : Death of God and Recognition of the Self
23 ( 5 )[2015]
Difference and Repetition ,
Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung Ⅱ , Sämtliche Werke , BD.2
Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung Ⅰ , Sämtliche Werke , BD.1
Das Irrationalitätsproblem in der Ästhetik und Logik des 18 . Jahrhunderts bis zur Kritik der Urteilskraft