국제사회의 자연재해 대응체제에 관한 연구 : 2010년 아이티 지진을 중심으로 = An Analysis of the International Community’s Response System to Natural Disasters: A Case Study of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake
국제사회의 자연재해 대응체제에 관한 연구 : 2010년 아이티 지진을 중심으로 = An Analysis of the International Community’s Response System to Natural Disasters: A Case Study of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake' 의 주제별 논문영향력
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* 다른 주제어 보유 논문에서 피인용된 횟수
국제사회의 자연재해 대응체제에 관한 연구 : 2010년 아이티 지진을 중심으로 = An Analysis of the International Community’s Response System to Natural Disasters: A Case Study of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake' 의 참고문헌
Why Nations Fail : The Origins of Power , Prosperity , and Poverty
What ’ s Wrong with Haiti ? Politics , Development , and Discourse in Port-au-Prince
Untying the Hands to Tie the Feet : A Qualitative Look at the Vulnerabilities of Post-earthquake Haiti and the Transformative Processes Necessary for National Refoundation
Transforming the United Nations system : Designs for a workable world
Theories of Development : Contentions , Arguments
The prophet and power : Jean-Bertrand Aristide , the international community , and Haiti
The political economy of disaster : Destitution , plunder and earthquake in Haiti
Vol . 61[2013]
The borders of Dominicanidad : Race , nation , and archives of contradiction
The Korea Trust Fund ’ s 2017 Annual Report
The Influence of Corporate Interests on USAID 's Development Agenda : The Case of Haiti
Tarp, Finn, , 『 원조와 개발』, 임을출 옮김
한울 아카데미[2009]
Sustainable livelihoods and rural development
Stories of Tragedy , Trust and Transformation ? Learning from Participatory Community Development Experience in Post-earthquake Haiti
Speeding Into Action : The Influence of ParamilitaryCulture on Disaster Response Organizations in the 2010 Haiti Earthquake
South-SouthCooperation as an Alternative Development Strategy : Rethinking DevelopmentCooperation through South-SouthCooperation in Latin America and theCaribbean-Brazil and Haiti
So, Jin Kwang. Social Capital and Regional Development Paradigm
한국지역개발학회지 [Journal of the Korean Regional Development Association], 12(3): 1-16[2000]
Shock therapy : Oprah Winfrey ,Celebrity philanthropy , and disaster “ relief ” in Haiti
Resilience in the humanitarian sphere : stimulating resilience for recovery in Haiti
Relief for the Spirit 'In Post-Earthquake Haiti : The Development , Implementation , and Evaluation of a Lay Mental Health Worker Project
Qualitative methods in social work research
Qiang, En-Fang, , 『A Comparative Study of Crisis and Emergency Management System of China, Korea, and the U.S.A.: A Historical Institutionalism Perspective』
충북대학교 대학원 박사학위논문[2008]
Present day plate boundary deformation in theCaribbean andCrustal deformation on southern Haiti
Perspectives on Modern World History : The Haiti Earthquake , Farminton Hills
Paradise lost : Haiti 's tumultuous journey from pearl of the Caribbean to third world hotspot
New 'Social Movements : Alternative Modernities , ( Trans ) local Nationalisms , and Solidarity Economies
Is the Humanitarian Failure in Haiti a System Failure ? . A Comment on Jean-Marc Biquet ’ s critique ‘ Haiti : Between Emergency and Reconstruction
International Development Policy| Revue internationale de politique de développement
4 ( 4.3 )
Inclusive growth through Saemaul Undong in Korea
4 ( 4 ) : 399-415[2019]
Identification and explanation of regional development poles in Haiti
Hurricane Risk Perception , Preparedness , and Evacuation Intention Among Older Adults
Haiti will not perish : a recent history
Haiti under President Martelly : Current conditions and Congressional concerns
Haiti in the balance : Why foreign aid has failed and what we can do about it
Haiti after the earthquake
Haiti : From Natural Catastrophe to Economic Security : A Report for the Secretary-General of the United Nations
Haiti : Between Emergency and Reconstruction . An inadequate response
4 ( 4.3 ) .[2013]
Geographies of responsibility : the cultural logic of 21st century weather emergencies
Gambling on conflict : Foreign direct investors and political violence in developing countries
Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy : Lessons for the Next Half-century : Lessons for the Next Half-century
Evolution : what the fossils say and why it matters
Emergence in coupled human-landscape interactions : Combined numerical and agent-based models for barrier island resorts and flood disaster and response in New Orleans
Donor dollars , individual behavior , and democratic development
Doing Business : The Changing Shape of Grass Roots NGOs in Haiti
Disaster Capitalism : Empirical Evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean
Development Assistance Committee
Creating Emergency : Hierarchy , Ideology , and Competition in the Humanitarian Network of ( Post- ) Disaster Port-au-Prince
Coping with a natural disaster : understanding household and social responses
Collapsed states : the disintegration and restoration of legitimate authority
Collapse : How societies choose to fail or succeed
Chyzik, R., Dorinin, S., Antignus, Y., 2003. Effect of a UV-deficient environment on the biology and flight activity of Myzus persicae and its Hymenopterous parasite Aphidius matricariae. Phytoparasitica, 31, 467–477.
Case study research and applications : Design and methods
Case studies and theory development in the social sciences
Building effectiveness in multi-state disaster management systems : the case of the Caribbean disaster & emergency response agency
Applications of case study research . sage . Yin , Robert K. , 2018 , Case Study Research and Applications Design and Methods
Ann Kite Yo Pale : Let Them Speak : Best Practice and Lessons Learned in Communication with Disaster Affected Communities : Haiti 2010
Last updated November[2011]
Analysis of Action Plan for National Recovery and Development of Haiti
An Analysis of the Haitian Agricultural Education and Training ( AET ) System
After the Dust Settles : Experiences of Haitian Earthquake Survivors and Implications for Psychosocial Support
A Comparative Study of Crisis and Emergency Mangement System of China , Korea and the U.S.A. : A Historical Institutionalism Respective
국제사회의 자연재해 대응체제에 관한 연구 : 2010년 아이티 지진을 중심으로 = An Analysis of the International Community’s Response System to Natural Disasters: A Case Study of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake'
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