
개방형 혁신 국가간 비교연구 : 한국-미국, 한국-일본

김창완 2013년
' 개방형 혁신 국가간 비교연구 : 한국-미국, 한국-일본' 의 주제별 논문영향력
논문영향력 선정 방법
논문영향력 요약
  • 일반 경영
  • a cross-national comparison
  • japan
  • korea
  • open innovation
  • openness
  • organizational factors
  • us
  • 개방성
  • 개방형 혁신
  • 국가간 비교
  • 미국
  • 일본
  • 조직요인
  • 한국
동일주제 총논문수 논문피인용 총횟수 주제별 논문영향력의 평균
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' 개방형 혁신 국가간 비교연구 : 한국-미국, 한국-일본' 의 참고문헌

  • 한국?미국?
  • 산업기술주요통계요람
  • Values research and managerial behavior: Implications for devising culturally consistent managerial styles
  • Understanding the differences in Korean and U.s. Executives' strategic orientation
    Dacin Hitt [1997]
  • Understanding absorptive capacities in an innovation systems context: consequences for economic and employment growth
    Narula [2004]
  • The product market and the market for ideas: commercialization strategies for technology entrepreneurs
    Gans Stern [2003]
  • The influence of institutional factors on the technologyacquisition performance of high-tech firms: survey results from Germany andJapan
    Hemmert The influence of institutional factors on the technology acquisition performance of high-tech firms: survey results from Germany and Japan [2004]
  • The industrial dynamics of open innovation-evidence from the transformation of consumer electronics
  • The incidence of cross-licensing: A theory and new evidence on the firm and contract level determinants
  • The governance and performance of Xerox’s technology spin-off companies
    Chesbrough [2003]
  • The current state of open innovation in the Korean manufacturing industry
    Bok Lee [2008]
  • The Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010
    Schwab K [2009]
  • The Determinants of Trust in Supplier- Automaker Relationships in the U.S., Japan, and Korea
    Dyer W.Chu The Determinants of Trust in Supplier- Automaker Relationships in the U.S. [2000]
  • Technological acquisitions and the innovationperformance of acquiring firms: a longitudinal study
    Ahuja Katlila Technological acquisitions and the innovation performance of acquiring firms:A longitudinal study [2001]
  • Specialization and systems integration. In Hobday, M. (ed.)
    Pavitt Specialization and systems integration. In Hobday [2003]
  • Sources of information as determinants of novelty of innovation in manufacturing firms: Evidence from the 1999 statistics Canada innovation survey
  • Sharing the corporate crown jewels
    Kline [2003]
  • Role models for radical innovations in times of open Innovation
  • RCN in the Norwegian Research and Innovation System, Report No 12 in the Evaluation of the Research Council of Norway, Oslo: Ministry for Education
    Arnold Kuhlman RCN in the Norwegian Research and Innovation System [2001]
  • R&D cooperation between firms and universities
  • Outbound Open Innovation and itsEffectonFirm Performance: Examining Environmental Influences
    Lichtenthaler Outbound open innovation and its effect on firm performance: examining environmental influences [2009]
  • Oslo Manual
    OECD [2005]
  • Organizing global R&D: challenges and dilemmas
  • Organization of industrial R&D on a global scale
  • Opening up the innovation process
    Collins [2006]
  • Open innovation: state of the art and futureperspectives
    Huizingh [2011]
  • Open innovation: a research Agenda
  • Open innovation in practice: An analysis of strategic approaches to technology transactions
    Lichtenthaler Open innovation in practice: an analysis of strategic approaches to technology transactions [2008]
  • Open innovation in a Globalised World-implications for innovation policies in Europe
  • Open innovation in SMEs?an intermediated network model
  • Open innovation in SMEs: trends, motives and management challenges
    Vanhaverbeke de Jong de Rochemont van de Vrande Open innovation in SMEs: trends [2009]
  • Open innovation and globalization: Theory, evidence and implications
    Bloch Herstad de Velde Open innovation and globalization: Theory [2008]
  • Open for innovation: The role of openness in explaining innovation performance among U.K. manufacturing firms
    Laursen Salter Open for innovation: the role of openness in explaining innovation performance among U.K. manufacturing firms [2006]
  • Open by Design: The Role of Design in Open Innovation
    Acha [2007]
  • Open R&D and open innovation: exploring the phenomenon
  • Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm
  • Open Innovation ? The Dutch Treat: Challenges in Thinking in Business Models
  • OECDbusiness symposium
    Lauritzen [2008]
  • New puzzles and New findings. Open Innovation: researching a new paradigm" In Chesbrough, H.W., Vanhaverbeke, W, and West, J.(Eds
    Chebrough New puzzles and New findings. Open Innovation: researching a new paradigm In Chesbrough [2008]
  • Managing Mr. Kim
    Kearney [1991]
  • Make-or-Buy Decisions in R&D:Small Technology Based Firms in the United States and Japan
    Kurokawa [1997]
  • Knowledge networks and the geographic locus of innovation
    Simard West [2006]
  • Interorganizational collaboration and innovation: toward a portfolio approach
  • How open is innovation?
    Dahlander Gann How open is innovation [2010]
  • How open is innovation in the US and Japan? Evidence fromthe Rieti-Georgia Tech Inventor Survey
  • Harnessing External Technology for Innovation
  • Factors affecting the choice of technologyacquisition mode: an empirical analysis of the electronic firms of Japan, Koreaand Taiwan
    Hung Factors affecting the choice of technology acquisition mode: An empirical analysis of the electronic firms of Japan [2008]
  • Determinants of successful R&D coorperation in Japanese small business: The impact of organizational and contractual characteristics
    Okamuro [2007]
  • Determinants and archetype users of open innovation
    Keupp [2009]
  • Connect and Develop: inside PandG’s new model for innovation
    Huston [2006]
  • Changing strategies for business innovation and the implication for S&T Policy
  • Building absorptive capacity to organize inbound open innovation in traditional industries
  • Beyond high tech: early adopters of open innovation in other industries
    Chesbrough [2006]
  • An Inquiry into the Status and Nature of University-Industry Research Collaborations in Japan and Korea
  • Absorptive capacity: A new perspective on learning and innovation
  • 2005년도 한국의 기술혁신조사 :제조업부문
    엄미정 이정열 최지선 2005년도 한국의 기술혁신조사: 제조업부문 [2005]