
가족이 참여한 자기결정교수학습모델(SDLMI) 적용이 문제행동을 보이는 중학교 특수학급 학생의 수업참여행동 및 국어과 교육목표 성취도에 미치는 영향

김남희 2011년
    • 저자 김남희
    • 기타서명 가족이 참여한 자기결정교수학습모델 적용이 문제행동을 보이는 중학교 특수학급 학생의 수업참여행동 및 국어과 교육목표 성취도에 미치는 영향
    • 형태사항 삽화: xii, 157 p.
    • 일반주기 지도교수: 박지연, 참고문헌: p. 99-122
    • 학위논문사항 학위논문(박사)-, 특수교육학과, 2011. 2. 졸업, 이화여자대학교 대학원
    • 발행지 서울
    • 언어 kor
    • 출판년 2011
    • 발행사항 이화여자대학교 대학원
    유사주제 논문( 0)

' 가족이 참여한 자기결정교수학습모델(SDLMI) 적용이 문제행동을 보이는 중학교 특수학급 학생의 수업참여행동 및 국어과 교육목표 성취도에 미치는 영향' 의 참고문헌

  • 행동수정.Behavior modification: What is and how to do it. (7th ed.)
  • 학습에 대한 주인의식의 구성요소와 주요 관련 변인에 관한 연구
    박민정 [2008]
  • 학습문제아동의 수업 참여와 주의집중 증진 방안에 대한 고찰: 통합학급의 국어 읽기 수업을 중심으로
    서선진 [2008]
  • 학습기술 훈련이 초등학교 아동의학습태도, 성취동기 및 학업성취에 미치는 영향
    학습기술 훈련이 초등학교 아동의 학습태도 [2000]
  • 학부모의 학교운영 참여에 관한 교사와 학부모의 인식에 대한 조사: 학교운영위원회를 중심으로
    박미경 [2002]
  • 박사
    학부모의 자녀교육과 학교교육 참여에 관한 연구
    김완수 아주대학교 교육대학원 석사학위 논문 [1999]
  • 학부모위원의 학교운영위원회 운영 참여 실태조사 : 부산광역시 특수학교를 중심으로
    최원애 [2007]
  • 학부모 학교 참여가 학교 및 교사 평가에 미치는 영향
    이세용 [2003]
  • 학교운영위원회의 운영실태 및 활성화 방안에 관한 학부모위원과 교사위원의 의견분석
    신정자 [1997]
  • 학교에서의 긍정적 행동지원이 정신지체학생의 문제행동, 대안기술및 생활방식에 미치는 영향
    김정선 학교에서의 긍정적 행동지원이 정신지체 학생의 문제행동 [2005]
  • 학교급식 참여를 통한 학부모의 만족도 및 인지도 조사
    김동희 [2007]
  • 박사
  • 학교-가족 간 협력에 관한 특수교사와 학부모의인식 분석
  • 박사
  • 특수학교 교육과정
  • 특수교육 연차보고서
    교육과학기술부 특수교육연차보고서 [2011]
  • 통합학급에서의 협력교수가 장애 학생과 비장애 학생의 수업참여 및 문제행동 감소에 미치는 영향
    성경선 [2007]
  • 통합학급에서의 교수적 수정 중재가 장애학생의 문제행동과 수업참여행동에 미치는 영향
    김번영 박승희 통합학급에서의 교수적 수정 중재가 장애 학생의 문제행동과 수업참여행동에 미치는 영향 [2007]
  • 통합교육 환경에서 자기결정 학습전략이 정신지체 아동의 자기주도 학습행동 및 학업성취에 미치는 효과
    이옥인 [2008]
  • 박사
  • 박사
  • 초등장애 학생의 중학교 전이에 필요한 기술에 대한 중학교 특수학급 교사의 인식조사
    차미영 [2003]
  • 박사
  • 박사
  • 중학교 특수학급 교육과정 편성·운영의 실태 및 개선 방안
    최숙 중학교 특수학급 교육과정 편성? 운영의 실태 및 개선 방안 [2004]
  • 박사
  • 중학교 통합 교육을 위한 교수-학습 자료: 국어
  • 중학교 1학년 국어 교과서 분석 연구: 제7차 교육과정을 중심으로
    임난숙 [2001]
  • 정착수업이 정신지체아동의 수업참여행동에 미치는 효과
  • 박사
  • 박사
  • 박사
  • 박사
  • 자기결정 학습전략의 중재가 수학학습 부진아동의 자기조정 학습전략 사용행동 및 수학과 학업성취에 미치는 효과
    조미선 [2009]
  • 자기 점검 전략을 이용한 학교 적응행동교수가 정신지체 초등학생의 수업참여행동에 미치는 영향
  • 자기 점검 기술훈련이 자폐성장애아동의 문제행동변화에 미치는 영향
    박현경 [2001]
  • 박사
    일반학급에 통합된 장애 학생에 대한 중학생의 태도 연구
    최국희 일반학급에 통합된 장애 학생에 대한 중학생의 태도 연구 [2003]
  • 일반교육과정 접근을 위한 교수적 루브릭의 적용이 초등학교 장애 학생의 수업 참여 행동과 통합학급 학생들의 국어과 학습목표 및 수행수준에 미치는 영향
    이은정 [2007]
  • 인터넷을 활용한 국사 학습과 학부모 참여에 관한 연구
  • 박사
  • 심한 공격성 행동 문제를 보이는 학생들에 대한 교사들의 중재 방안
    한경근 [2004]
  • 스크립트를 이용한 사진일기중재가 다운증후군학생의 수업참여행동에 미치는 효과
    장선옥 [2008]
  • 숙제지도노트를 통한 학부모 참여가 아동의 학업성취와 학습태도에 미치는 효과 연구
    이경옥 [2000]
  • 수줍음이 청소년의 친구관계만족 및 친구관계망에 미치는 영향
    수줍음이 청소년의 친구관계 만족 및 친구관계망에 미치는 영향 [2004]
  • 사고양식에 따른 학습동기 및 교과흥미가 학업성취에 미치는 효과
  • 박사
    비장애동료가 참여하는 지역사회중심교수가 일반고등학교 발달장애학생의 지역사회활용기술 수행과 학생사이 관계에 미친 영향
    장혜성 비장애동료가 참여하는 지역사회중심교수가 일반고등학교 발달장애 학생의 지역사회활용기술 수행과 학생사이 관계에 미친 영향 [2004]
  • 비디오테이프 자기관찰 : 기록 기법이 중학교 특수학급 학습장애 학생의 수업방해 행동과 수업참여 행동에 미치는 효과
    이윤동 [2005]
  • 박사
  • 박사
    부모의 학습관여 형태가 자녀의 학업동기에 미치는 영향
    김종덕 제주대학교 교육대학원 석사학위 논문 [2001]
  • 문제행동을 지닌 장애 학생 행동지원의 현황과 과제: 행동지원에 대한 국내 연구 고찰
  • 또래 감독을 통한 학습활동이 학습장애아의 수업참여행동과 기초학습에 미치는 영향
    이현정 [2004]
  • 박사
  • 박사
    과학과 선택적 교수적합화를 통한 실험교육이 정신지체아동의 수업참여행동, 학업수행능력에 미치는 영향
    김지영 과학과 선택적 교수 적합화를 통한 실험교육이 정신지체아동의 수업참여행동 [2006]
  • 과학과 교수적 수정 프로그램이 일반학급 발달장애아동의 수업참여행동 및 학업수행능력에 미치는 효과
    심정애 [2005]
  • Using self-management procedures to improve classroom social skills in multiple general education settings
  • Using performance feedback to decrease classroom transition time and examine collateral effects on academic engagement
  • Using multiple measure to evaluate positive behavior support: A caseexample
    Bradley-Klug Clarke Using multiple measure to evaluate positive behavior support: A case example [2002]
  • Using functional assessments to develop behavior support plans
  • Using a function-based approach to decrease problem behaviors and increase academic engagement for Latino english language learners
  • Use of strategic self-monitoring to enhance academicengagement, productivity, and accuracy of students with and withoutexceptionalities
    Rock Use of strategic self-monitoring to enhance academic engagement [2005]
  • Understanding the construct of self-determination: Examining the relationship between the Arc's Self-Determination Scale and the American Institutes for Research Self-Determination Scale
  • Transition to adulthood: Mental retardation, families, and culture
    Blacher Transition to adulthood: Mental retardation [2001]
  • Training teachers to give effective commands: Effects on student compliance and academic behaviors
  • The use of weekly performance feedback to increase teacher implementation of a prereferral academic intervention
  • The social context of school success for Latino middle school students
  • The self-determined learning model of instruction for early elementary-age students
  • The relationship of school-wide positive behavior support to academic achievement in an urban middle school
  • The positive alternative learning supports program: Collaborating to improve student success
    Arter [2007]
  • The impact of comprehensive reading instruction on the academic and social behavior of students with emotional and behavioral disorders
  • The impact of a collaborative family/school reading programme on student reading rate
  • The family-school partnership: An opportunity to promote the learning competence of all students
    Christenson [2004]
  • The effects of goal setting and self-instruction on learning a reading comprehension strategy: A study of students with learning disabilities
  • The effects of fading a strategic self-monitoring intervention on students' academic engagement, accuracy, and productivity
    Rock Thead The effects of fading a strategic self-monitoring intervention on students' academic engagement [2007]
  • The effects of daily homework assignment on the acquisition of basic skills by students with learning disabilities
    Rosenberg [1989]
  • The effects of classwide peer tutoring on the reading achievement of urban middle school students
  • The effect of self-management in general education classrooms on the organizational skills of adolescents with ADHD
  • The effect of parent participa;tion in strategies to improve the homework performance of students who are at risk
  • The differential influence of instructional context on the academic engagement of students with behavior problems
  • The association of birth complications and externalizing behavior in early adolescents: Direct and mediating effects
  • The Role of Self-Efficacy Beliefs inStudent Engagement and Learning in the Classroom
    Linnenbrink P.R.Pintrich The role of self-efficacy beliefs in student engagement and learning in the classroom [2003]
  • Teaching students with learning and behavior problems (3rd ed.)
  • Teaching expectations of student behavior: Social skills necessary for success in elementary school classrooms
  • Teachers' attitudes and behaviors towards famaly-school partnerships
    Pelco Ries [1999]
  • Teacher-child relationships from kindergarten to sixth grade: Early childhood predictors of teacher-perceived conflict and closeness
  • Teacher perceptions of parent involvement in middle school
    Smith [2002]
  • Tackling a problematic behavior management issue: Teachers' intervention in childhood bullying problems
  • Supporting parent, family, and community involvement in your school
    Davis Supporting parent [2000]
  • Supporting & strengthening families: Methods, strategies, and practices
    Deal Dunst Trivette Supporting & strengthening families: Methods [1994]
  • Student self-assessment: The key to stronger student motivation and higher achievement
  • Strategies for addressing behavior problems in the classroom(7th ed.)
    Kerr Nelson [2006]
  • Self-recording with goal setting: A self-management programme for the class
  • Self-determination skills and opportunities of transition-age youth with emotional disturbance and learning disabilities
  • Self-determination as an education outcome: Why is it important to children, youth, and adults with disabilities?
    Wehmeyer Self-determination as an education outcome: Why is it important to children [1996]
  • Self-determination as an education outcome: A definitional framework and implication for intervention
    Wehmeyer [1997]
  • Self-determination and studentinvolvement in standards-based reform
  • Self-determination and access to the general education curriculum
  • Self- efficacy for reading and writing: Influence of modeling goalsetting, and self-evaluation
    Schunk Self-efficacy for reading and writing: Influence of modeling [2003]
  • School, family, community partnerships: Caring for children we share
    Epstein School [1995]
  • School attendance and attainment: Poor attender's perceptions of schoolwork and parent involvement in their education
    Sheppard [2009]
  • Role strain, engagement and academic achievement in early adolescence
    Bruny Eddy Role strain [2005]
  • Response to intervention: Examining classroom behavior support in second grade
  • Research you can use "Family support for learning and literacy", 1-9
    Foxworth Research you can use Family support for learning and literacy [2002]
  • Relationships between problem behaviors and academic achievement in adolescents
  • Relationships between academics and problem behavior in the transition from middle school to high school
  • Relationship between parent satisfaction regarding partnerships with professionals and age of child
  • Relation between reading problems and internalizing behavior in school for preadolescent children from economically disadvantaged families
  • Reflecting on the homework ritual: Assignments and designs
    Van Voorhis [2004]
  • Quality of rapport as a setting event for problem behavior:Assessment and intervention
    Carr McLaughlin Quality of rapport as a setting event for problem behavior: Assessment and intervention [2005]
  • Psychosocial precursors and correlates of differing internalizing trajectories from 3 to 15 years
  • Providing classroom-based intervention to at-risk students to support their academic engagement and interactions with peers
    Ornelles [2007]
  • Prospective study of change in global self-worth andstrain during the transition to middle school
    Fenzel Prospective study of change in global self-worth and strain during the transition to middle school [2000]
  • Prompting transition goals and self-determination through self-directed learning: The self-determination learning model of instruction
  • Promoting the involvement of students with emotional and behavioral disorders in career and vocational planning and decision-making: The self-determined career development model
  • Promoting student active classroom participation skills through instruction to promote self-regulated learning and self-determination
  • Promoting self-determination in early elementary school
  • Promoting causal agency: The self-determination learning model of instruction
  • Promoting access to the general curriculum for students with intellectual disabilities by teaching self-determination skills
  • Prevention and reduction of behavioral problems in school: An evaluation of the respect program
  • Positive Behavior support: Evolution of an applied science
  • Peer interactions and academic engagement of youth with developmental disabilities in inclusive middle and high school classrooms
  • Peer and parent influences on school engagement among early adolescents
  • Patterns of home and school partnerships for general and special education students at the secondary level
  • Partnership programs in U. S. schools: Their development and relationship to family involvement outcomes
    Sheldon Van Voorhis Partnership programs in U.S. schools: Their development and relationship to family involvement outcomes [2004]
  • Partnering with families andcommunities
    Epstein J.L Salinas Partnering with families and communities [2004]
  • Participation of students with moderate to severe disabilities in the general curriculum: The effects of the self-determined learning model of instruction
  • Parents and school: Nostopping the involvement!
  • Parental involvement in children's education: Why does it make a difference?
  • Parent involvement: Turning up the heat
    Wherry [2004]
  • Parent involvement in the academic adjustment of Latino middle and high school youth: Teacher expectations and school belonging as mediators
  • Parent involvement in homework
  • Parent involvement in children's education: An exploratory study of urban, chinese immigrant families
    Koblinsky Parent involvement in children's education: An exploratory study of urban [2009]
  • Parent involvement as parental monitoring of student motivation and parent expectations predicting later achievement among African American and European American middle school age students
  • Outcomes of a teacher-led reading intervention for elementary students at risk for behavioral disorders
  • November/December). The impact of learning structure on students' readiness for self-directed learning. Journal of Education for Business, 84(2), 96-100
    Cate Dynan Rhee November/December). The impact of learning structure on students' readiness for self-directed learning. Journal of Education for Business [2008]
  • Multifaceted functional behavior assessment for students with externalizing behavior disorders
  • Mother, gender and inclusion in the context ofhome-school relations
    Cole Mother [2007]
  • Measuring theimpact of positive behavior support
  • May/June). Improving the way we think about students with emotional and/or behavioral disorders
    Regan [2009]
  • Mathematics and science achievement: Effects of motivation, interest, and academic engagement
    Dika Granville Singh Mathematics and science achievement: Effects of motivation [2002]
  • Looking at the futures and seeing the past: The challenge of the middle years of parenting a child with intellectual disabilities
    Jones Todd [2005]
  • Longitudinal effects of parent involvement on high schoolgrades: Similarities and differences across gender and ethnic groups
    Keith [1998]
  • July/Aug). Classwide interventions
  • Introduction to the special series in positive behavior support in school
  • Intrinsic versus extrinsic goal contents in self-determination theory: Another look at the quality of academic motivation
  • Interrelationships among language skills, externalizing behavior, and academic fluency and their impact on the academic skills of students with ED
    Interrelationships among language skills [2006]
  • Interactive science homework: An experiment in home and school connections
    Van Voorhis [2001]
  • Integrating academic and non-academic instruction for students with emotional/behavioral disorders
  • Increasingthe problem-solving skills of students with developmental disabilitiesparticipating in general education
  • Increasing on-task behavior during mathematics independent seat-work in students with emotional disturbance by interspersing additional brief problems
  • Improving the classroom behavior of students with emotional and behavioral disorders using individualizing curricular modification
  • Improving mathematics homework completion and accuracy of students with EBD through self-management and parent participation
  • Improving homework accuracy: Interdependent group contingencies and randomized components
  • Improving academic engagement through systematic, function-based intervention
    Improving academic engagement through systematic [2006]
  • Implementation the IDEA transition mandates
  • Impact of the design of U.S. history textbooks on content acquisition and academic engagement of special education students: An experimental investigation
  • How to overcome obstacles to parent-teacher partnerships
  • How parents can support learning: Not all parent involvement programs are equal, but research shows what works
    Jones How parents can support learning: Not all parent involvement programs are equal [2001]
  • Home-schoolcollaboration: A building black of empowerment
    Christenson Sinclair M.F Home-school collaboration: A building black of empowerment [1992]
  • Home-school collaboration about homework: What do we know and what should we do?
  • Group cognitive-behavior therapy with family involvement for middle­school­age children with obsessive­compulsive disorder: A pilot study
  • Grade-level differences, relations of parental, teacher and peer support to academic engagement and achievement among Hong Kong students
    Chen Grade-level differences [2008]
  • Goal setting as motivational tool in student's self-regulated learning
    Cheung [2004]
  • Goal setting and self-monitoring for students with disabilities: Practical tips and ideas for teachers
  • Goal Attainment Scaling: Applications, theory and measurement
    Cardillo Kiresuk Smith Goal Attainment Scaling: Applications [1994]
  • Functional Assessment
    Guccione [2001]
  • Function-based academic interventions for problem behavior
  • Focus on exceptional children
  • Feasibility and contributions of functionalbehavioral assessment in schools
  • Family-professional partnerships and parenting competence, confidence, and enjoyment. International Journal of Disability
    Dempsey Dunst C.J Family-professional partnerships and parenting competence [2007]
  • Family-Centered Practices:Birth through High School
    김중신 [2002]
  • Family involvement with middle-grades homework: Effects of differential prompting
  • Family involvement with children's homework: An intervention in the middle grades
  • Family involvement in a Hawaiian Language Immersion Program
  • Family control: The views of families who have a child with an intellectual disability
  • Families, professionals, and exceptionality:Positive outcomes through partnerships and trust (5th ed.)
    Soodak Turnbull Families [2006]
  • Families and teachers of individuals with disabilities: Collaborative orientations and responsive practices
  • Externalizing behavior problems in young children:Contributing factors and early intervention
    Stormont Externalizing behavior problems in young children: Contributing factors and early intervention [2002]
  • Exceptional partnerships: Listening to the voice of families
    Muscott [2002]
  • Examiming the influence of teacher behavior and classroom context on the behavioral and academic outcomes for students with emotional or behavioral disorders
  • Evaluation of a targeted intervention within a schoolwide system of behavior support
  • Enhancing the job performance ofyouth with moderate to severe cognitive disabilities using the self-determined learning model ofinstruction
  • Enhancing main idea comprehension for students with learning problems: The role of a summarization strategy and self-monitoring instruction
  • Enhancing academic engagement: Providing opportunities for responding and influencing students to choose to respond
  • Empowering parents to participate: Advocacy and education
  • Emotional intelligence and goal setting-an investigation into interventions to increase motivation to work among visually impaired students in Nigeria
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  • Dimensions of family and professional partnerships: Constructive guidelines for collaboration
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  • Adding functional behavioral assessment to first step to success: A case study
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  • A function-based intervention to decrease disruptive behavior and increase academic engagement
  • A Bluepoint for schoolwide positive behavior support: Implementation of three components
  • (Dec). Looking inside the black box The value added by career and technical student organizations to students' high school experience