유치원 일과에 삽입된 학급 차원의 사회적 통합 증진활동이 일반유아의 사회적 참여와 장애 유아의 또래관계에 미치는 영향 = Effects of class-wide social inclusion support embedded in early childhood education activities on social engagement of preschoolers without disabilities and peer relationships of preschoolers with disabilities
유치원 일과에 삽입된 학급 차원의 사회적 통합 증진활동이 일반유아의 사회적 참여와 장애 유아의 또래관계에 미치는 영향 = Effects of class-wide social inclusion support embedded in early childhood education activities on social engagement of preschoolers without disabilities and peer relationships of preschoolers with disabilities' 의 참고문헌
The peer relations of young handicapped and nonhandicapped children. In O. S. Strain, M. J. Guralnick, & H. M. Walker (Eds.)
GuralnickThe peer relations of young handicapped and nonhandicapped children. In O. S. Strain[1986]
The peer relations of preschool children with communication disorders
The origins of young children's attitudes toward peers with disabilities. In M. J. Guralnick (Eds.), Early childhood inclusion: Focus on change. (pp. 159-178)
InnesThe origins of young children's attitudes toward peers with disabilities. In M. J. Guralnick (Eds.)[2001]
The nature and meaning of social integration of young children with mild developmental delays in inclusive settings
The measurement of children and adolescent's perceptions of friendships: Conceptual and methodological issues. In W.M. Bukowski, A. F. Newcomb, & W. W. Hartup (Eds.)
FurmanThe measurement of children and adolescent's perceptions of friendships: Conceptual and methodological issues. In W.M. Bukowski[1996]
The influence of inclusive preschool programs on children's sensitivity to the needs of others
The impact of teacher-directed and child-directed pretend play on cognitive competence in kindergarten children
Sequential transition patterns of preschoolers’social interactions during child-initiated play: Is parallel-aware play a bi-directional bridge to other play states?
Parent and teacher perceptions of outcomes for typically developing childrenen rolled in integrated early childhood programs:A statewide survey
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Origins and consequences of social withdrawal. In J. Belsky & T. Nezworski (Eds.)
Incidence of “friendship” and behavior toward strong associates versus nonassociates in preschoolers
Implementation ofsocialcompetenceinterventionsinearlychildhoodspecialeducationclasses:Currentpracticesandfuturedirections.InS.L.Odom,S.R.McConnell,&M.A.McEvoy(Eds.),Socialcompetenceofyoungchildrenwithdisabilities:Issues and strategies for intervention(pp.277-306). Baltimore: Pual H
OdomImplementation of social competence interventions in early childhood special education classes: current practices and future directions. In S. L. Odom[1992]
Immediate effects of mainstreamedsettings on the social interactions and social integrationof preschool children
Immediate effects of mainstreamed settings on the social interactions and social integration of preschool children[1996]
Early childhood inclusion: A joint position statement of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
Dyadic measurement of young children's friendship: A comparison of 2 independent coding systems and their associations with measures of child-parent attachment
Dyadic analyses of friendship in a sample of preschool-age children attending Head Start: Correspondence between measures and implications for social competence
Classroom ecology and child participation. In S. L. Odom (Ed.)
Classroom Research for Young Children with Disabilities: Assumptions That Guided the Conduct of Research
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Class wide peer tutoring: An integration strategy to improve reading skills and promote peer interactions among students with autism and general education peers
Children’s understanding of aggression and withdrawal as social stigmas: An attributional analysis
A descriptive analysis of developmental and social gains of children with severe disabilities in segregated and inclusive preschools in southern Ontario
A comparisonofpeer-initiationandteacher-antecedent interventions for promoting reciprocal socialinteraction ofautistic preschoolers
유치원 일과에 삽입된 학급 차원의 사회적 통합 증진활동이 일반유아의 사회적 참여와 장애 유아의 또래관계에 미치는 영향 = Effects of class-wide social inclusion support embedded in early childhood education activities on social engagement of preschoolers without disabilities and peer relationships of preschoolers with disabilities'
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