Korean Children and Adolescents with Crohn's Disease Are More Likely to Present with Perianal Fistulizing Disease at Diagnosis Compared to Their European Counterparts
Choe, Byung-Ho
Lee, Yoon
Lee, Yoo Min
Lee, Ji-Hyuk
Lee, Jee Hyun
Lee, Hae Jeong
Koh, Hong
Kim, Seung
Kim, Mi Jin
Kim, Jung Eun
Kim, Ju Young
Kang, Ben
Jung, Jae Hun
Jang, Hyo-Jeong
Choi, Youjin
Choi, So Yoon
Choe, Yon Ho
Choe, Jae Young
The Korean Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology[2020]
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