Jeon, Hye-seon

년도별 발표논문

제목 활용도 공유도 영향력
Comparative Effect of Modified Shrug Exercises With and Without Trunk Stabilization Exercise on Scapular Upward Rotator EMG and Thickness in Subjects With Scapular Downward Rotation Syndrome
Jeon, Hye-seon Yoon, Hyeo-bin Park, Joo-hee Kim, Ji-hyun Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy[2017] Google Scholar네이버 전문정보

Comparison of the Foot Muscle EMG and Medial Longitudinal Arch Angle During Short Foot Exercises at Different Ankle Position
Jeon, Hye-seon Yoon, Hyeo-bin Park, Joo-hee Kim, Ji-hyun Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy[2017] Google Scholar네이버 전문정보

Musculoskeletal Pain Status of Local Farmers in Tigray, Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Jeon, Hye-seon Jeon, Min-jae Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy[2017] Google Scholar네이버 전문정보

Wii 균형 게임과 자가 거울 균형 운동이 만성 뇌졸중 환자의 균형 및 무릎관절 고유수용성 감각에 미치는 효과 비교
Jeon, Hye-seon 전혜선 심경섭 Sim, Gyeong-seop 한국전문물리치료학회[2017] Google Scholar네이버 전문정보

The Effects of a Bridging Exercise With Hip Adductor Contraction on the EMG Activities of Abdominal Muscles in Patients With Sub-Acute Stroke
Ahn, Jin-young Park, Chan-bum Lee, Jong-ha Kim, Ho-young Jeon, Hye-seon Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy[2017] Google Scholar네이버 전문정보

내리막 경사로 트레드밀 걷기 훈련이 흉추 뒤굽음증의 흉추각도와 흉추기립근 활성도에 미치는 영향
Jeon, Hye-seon 전혜선 이준혁 윤혜빈 박주희 김지현 Yoon, Hyeo-bin Park, Joo-hee Lee, Jun-hyeok Kim, Ji-hyun 한국전문물리치료학회[2019] Google Scholar네이버 전문정보

Immediate Effects of High-frequency Diathermy on Muscle Architecture and Flexibility in Subjects With Gastrocnemius Tightness
Jeon, Hye-seon Yoon, Hyeo-bin Park, Joo-hee Lee, Jun-hyeok Kim, Ji-hyun Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy[2020] Google Scholar네이버 전문정보